Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Alan - Episode Eight

Its funny that someone viewed this sketch I posted on one of my blogs in 2014 yesterday. Ive been considering how its been about a year since I started visiting a Councillor once a month now, and I feel I have come a full circle today.

Little did I know back in 2014 that I would be using one ! Hence this sketch is still amusing me. Its amusing me for several reasons. Reason one is the Therapists tone of voice. Reason two is unpolished Alan. Its how I feel sometimes in a situation outside of my comfort zone. Reason three is this sketch reminds me of me and my Sister, her being the Therapist of course with that slightly condescending tone to her voice. I admit when she is visiting I become more " Alan " just to annoy her a little.

Of course life is all about finding your way back to yourself. That self may have some rough edges too and when you begin to feel restored they spring back into action. Did they cause you the trouble in the first place though ? Only after a complete circle can you  really answer that question.

On my last few visits ive found myself analyzing my Councillors reactions to what I say. The way he has un controlled body movements when I mention a subject that obviously stresses him or that seems to mean a lot to him, cracking his knuckles or tilting his head right back as though he is physically deflecting some view point, or finds a subject un comfortable to talk about. Its time to take a break I think or move to once every two months. I definitely feel this is a sign that ive put some distance between what happened to me in 2022. I guess that was what I was after all along. Not perfection, just some distance.

What of the future ?  New stresses will emerge and at least I know I have a tool that I had never considered using before to combat them a little ? Thats quite a big step forward for me.

1 comment:

  1. I often wonder what dark secrets therapists are hiding. They can't be all that "normal" in reality, can they?
