Saturday, 28 November 2020

Covid, Christ and Cults

 Before I start lets clear a few things up. Do I believe Covid 19 is real ? Yes. Do I know people who have had it in a non lethal form ? Yes. Do I believe its " over egged " by the media and government ? Yes. Do I believe the current regulations should be scrapped ? Yes. And while were at it borrowing an extra 350 billion looks extremely suspect to me. Maybe this extra spending is to mask something Brexits upcoming mess ? You dont need to hold your breath either as the UK leaves on the 1st of January. Anyway lets get to that messy post title and how ive come to it.

They are dying for you. How many times did we hear that disturbing statement in March along side the slogan STAY HOME / STAY SAVE LIVES / SAVE THE NHS ? There is no doubt that health workers have been portrayed as dying for other peoples actions. This was one of the key reasons spouted in response to those who thought the movement restrictions were not applicable to them. Its as though the advertising masterminds behind these eye catching slogans were drawing a parallel with Christ dying for people sins. In fact those who disobeyed these instructions were being held accountable with the death of nurses who were in turn being painted as saints or angels by the general media. In fact there are further parallels with religion as in the way the public hangs on every word of advice.

Faith. Blind faith ? Still now, and even after all this time people are believing blindly that if they stick to the rules they will be " safe ". Such is the fear. Listening to the government you would believe that following their rules will spare your life or deliver you from death. Utter tosh. Life is random. This thinking is just another form of faith based on no evidence. And like faith the messages stand up by themselves due to the believers mind set. Its not really surprising considering the climate of fear. After all what else do they have to cling to ? People literally are following a religion that requires ritual. This ritual they believe will deliver them from the disease. 

It is also very interesting that the hand washing methods they push are those that OCD sufferers are afflicted with and as my wife suffers from them in know this is correct. Government recommends that we sing the Happy Birthday song 3 times to ourselves as we wash as a timing device to make sure we have washed sufficiently. This is a ritual. Its brain washing. It is dangerous. 

There are much darker facts though when we look at the style of out put that our government pushes. In fact they have followed the methods used by many cults. Firstly isolate your subject from familiar people such as family and friends. Secondly bombard the subject with slogans and messages relentlessly. Our media are still at it. They like to use 3 part short slogans that stick in our minds such as the STAY AT Finally they bombard us with the fear of death if we disobey. In fact the fear of death at any moment. I mean how much more cult like can get here ? 

Its of no surprise that this Christmas we are all stressing about who we should let into our homes over our 5 allotted days of freedom. The thought of being off the leash scares us. This is how far we have come. We are like dogs that have not grasped that our chains have been unleashed and still we wont move ! Thats a sure sign we are beat and all it took was less than 9 months of conditioning. In fact our government no knows that at any point in the future they will say jump and we will say how high ? We have being trained utterly to not think.


  1. They will never condition me, or people like yourself. Some people can see straight through this.

    1. 350 billion extra spending is aimed at masking something to.

  2. I don't see how Christ players into this. Christmas ? Incidental to the situation. Cult ? This implies a unity of intent. I think it is more of a domino effect. It is not like a mass of people are joined by a common cause. It is more like a bunch of lost souls saying, well what the fuck are they doing, maybe we should do it too. I could be wrong. Yeah, like that's ever happened.

    1. That maybe also true. I was drawing parallels with methods cults use, thats all. As for Christ he was seen to die for our sins. NHS workers are being portrayed as dying because of our alleged actions.
