Tuesday, 22 September 2020

How can i title this ? ( not rock n roll )

 I better write this up before i convince myself that it never happened. Do you ever find yourself back tracking on your view of a weird event a few days after it happened ? Maybe especially if it lets you off the hook from accepting that there maybe some highly supernatural entities in your life then you might well.

It all started when ? Im not sure but less than 12 months ago i noticed an involutnery twitch in my fingers or sometimes my thumb. Nothing to be alarmed at, only when a visiting relative experienced the same  symptoms a few weeks later in my house i began to wonder whether there was more to these involuntery movements than meets the eye. After a few weeks i noticed the twitch had spread to my arms and legs at night as a lay in bed. Again not really alarming, more annoying. 

The next stage saw what i can only describe as my arms and legs being manipulated to move by a static type tingling which crept over my body. This was alarming, and only by thinking about keeping my body still could i  totally stop it. As soon as my mind wandered onto any other thought than keeping still the gradual tugging would start up again.

This has continued over the Summer. After telling a friend about it in a late night message on fb he suggested i stopped " resisting " and let it take its course. So last week i gave it a try. The static this time was much stronger and  i gradually felt my whole body being moved as a lay. Letting an unknown force do this to you makes you feel very vunerable, but also very trusting. It reached the point where i was rolled right out of bed and on to the floor ! At this point i had to laugh as it was all a bit ridiculas. Maybe a hint of relief there as well no doubt ?

During this i would have expected to thud to the floor but something took the strain on my duvet and lowered me gently to the floor. I was on my own at the time too. That act would require some force but the whole happening was a gentle event.

So thats that then. No doubt some will say i was dreaming, but this has been building up all year. What does it mean ? My friend says it is the old me being pushed out of the way ! Could be. Whether my body has conjured up this distortion of movement i cannot say. I hope not as that i find that less agreeable that an out side entity manipulating me ! So the cycle is now complete im hoping. Will it happen again ? We shall see...

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