Friday, 29 May 2020


My mood is awful at the moment. Im exhausted and have been denied my week away from this valley due to the lockdown. Days away will have to suffice, but im still in that about to explode mood. First explosion occurred when low water pressure ( the usual problem ) denied me a bath. As soon as my rant finished the water coming from the tap turned to filth ( private supply ) At first i thought coincidence...  

The second explosive rant occurred when i saw a neighbour having a builder dredge and level his pond. Again and immediatly ( where has blogger spell checker gone, in such a mood i dont care just like when i started blogging, eh ? )  a huge blast of wind came spilling 2 large buckets of animal feed. Ive never ever seen a full one blow over in my life so far. 

 Thirdly and finally today a cup flew off the kitchen work surface when again i exploded about a situation coming to a head. 

Seems my anger is manifesting physically. Bit scary ?  Well i once brought a reasonable sized tree down across a road when my thoughts day dreamed. Beware the power of the mind. Its a loaded gun. Or loose cannon ? Whatever, choose your own analogy...

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