Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Moon eclipse mayhem ?

Im finding it hard to find the correct words to tell you what happened to me the night before the moon eclipse. I had once again a very strange happening involving a young woman, which i only equated to the moon by reasons of another timely freak accident today. Its quite simple really.
  It began on a beautiful balmy summers night as i returned from fixing our water supply that is up a remote fell track. As i drove our quad back down i came a cross a girl walking up the track on her own. A bit odd i thought, her being totally alone.  No family or friends being anywhere. But this was just a passing thought, and i acknowledged her as i drove past. 
  After 50 meters i stopped to open a gate ,and looked back up the track. At that moment she had started to trot at a pace, then suddenly stop inexplicably. Next she paused, put her arms up and jiggled a bit and shook her hair. Weird, but when she looked over her shoulder to see if i was watching i realised the "dance " was aimed at me as the area was deserted. This was a very strange thing for a girl of her age to do when a stranger was near or had just passed. There was no one else present. That feeling arose in me that you get when something profound and other worldly happens in a split second. Ive felt it before...
  Ive seen a similar display before ,but much more extreme and erotic and in a more public place by the sea on a green peninsular at high tide, and she smiled at me as she eventually walked past me. It was as though a message was being given. Anyway i equated the other nights event to the moon and the eclipse imminent. I have a feeling this is some kind of feminine entity manifesting, hence the moon being involved. Only next morning did a  wonder whether anything negative would happen after the eclipse... I also knew i was planning to go to a sale of dairy cows the next day. I wondered if this maybe affected in a bad way, the moon being interrupted and all ( I'm sounding American now lol )
  Unfortunately i was right as on arriving as  i  came across a group of people stood around a cow found a cow at the auction mart had  being choked by its chain halter in a freak accident . It was lying down half unconscious with blood running from a cut in it had sustained in the struggle. Quite a gruesome sad sight. There was a troubled atmosphere there, but eventually the cow recover , but i was still quite alarmed to see my prediction had come true.



  1. It's hard for you not to sound like an American. You are after all speaking our language (although your lot has a bit of a queer accent). A girl shakes her ass at you and all you get is a suicidal cow. I know you think it an accident, but cows are smart and sensitive. At least you proved my point. Well done. That something odd happening signals a change on the time line and to be prepared for something different. You're beautiful.
