Tuesday, 14 May 2019

You can call me Al - Paul Simon - Lyrics

You know a song can be listened to for decades, and still the true lyrics in full will evade you. That is only until one day you listen to it in a different environment, maybe captively, maybe sat with the car stationary so there is no road or engine noise to blot out the harder to catch lyrics. Then suddenly something will bounce inside of you with joy at hearing the complete true lyrics, and not what you previously " speed listened " to.

 Some verses and lines here sum up my mood perfectly at the moment ,and im sure that goes for anyone. Ironically the well known catchy chorus overrides the meaningful verses. How many songs fall foul also in this way ? What was once considered a cheap Pop song often has deeper "hidden " lyrics, but it might take you many years to glean them ! You cant dis-miss the cheesey until you have listened truly.

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