Saturday, 25 May 2019

Time to Get Out ?


This bank balance was from the day i set off on holiday about 3 years ago. I had £23 available in my account that day.

Setting off on holiday again this morning... and this time my account is £23 over drawn ! lol

Friday, 24 May 2019

Synchronicity Alert !!!

What are the odds of the railings of number 10 casting a show that looks like a robot on the Prime Ministers  front door on the morning of her resignation ?!

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

23 The Break

Billy Monger, teen racing driver who lost both his legs in a horrific crash a few years ago, has won his first race since. His return to success was driving what numbered car do you think ? 23 of 

Meanwhile the Environment Agency has revoked  23 water abstraction rights in Norfolk.

Monday, 20 May 2019

Yes, i do need a holiday, but...

The sun is a month out of alignment. It usually shines in the full length of a building on our farm on about the 20th of June. I know this because we are filling the building with grass then, and every year i wait for the night when the setting sun shines up the valley and into the building where im working a tractor.  Well this evening the sun is doing the same, which means it is considerably higher before it sets than it should be in May.
   The photo ive posted is a view from my old house. and the sun used to set in the Y of the trunk on a certain date ,and that was once a week out. There maybe astronomic reasons for this ? I dont know, but tonights example is a bit more dramatic.

Time to Get Out ?

Tesco is selling its mortgage banking service

It has 23,000 customers on its books

Saturday, 18 May 2019


This stone is set into a boundary wall of a large manor house that is next door to where i live. As a child i was told it was to ward off evil spirits, and that these stones were quite common once. This one faces North. There should be others in another facing in another 3 directions, but ive never seen them, yet.
 The inscription is faded but i think it reads - Amio Dom...or Dam ? I presume its latin ? Its hard to know if this is in its entirety or not. What does this mean ?
  This area is a hotbed of supernatural activity and always has been for a few hundred years. I shall post a piece of research that examines the link between events here and the plot of the novel Wuthering Heights thats leaves little doubt that happenings next door were the inspiration for the great novel. 

Update : On posting this online a tap has just sounded from my bedside draws. Now this has not happened since last summer, and eventually stopped after a full summer of weekly taps, only when i read the research on a website regarding the Wuthering Hieghts situation. I had a printout of the article in those draws, and i felt the taps were drawing my attention to this story back then. I feel something is doing this right now again.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

The above are cycles of power. It was the result of the Superior cycle that saw my awakening, being born on a Winter Solistice, meeting a person who born on the Spring Exqinox, and this persons Father being born on the Summer Solstice. It seems the power has not yet completed the loop as the Autumn Equinox is yet a mystery. There again this idea here is pointing at an annual cycle, but it does speak to me in the way i have pointed out above.

On another note i once read that the Grand cycle refered to a womans mindset, and the Major a mans.

You can call me Al - Paul Simon - Lyrics

You know a song can be listened to for decades, and still the true lyrics in full will evade you. That is only until one day you listen to it in a different environment, maybe captively, maybe sat with the car stationary so there is no road or engine noise to blot out the harder to catch lyrics. Then suddenly something will bounce inside of you with joy at hearing the complete true lyrics, and not what you previously " speed listened " to.

 Some verses and lines here sum up my mood perfectly at the moment ,and im sure that goes for anyone. Ironically the well known catchy chorus overrides the meaningful verses. How many songs fall foul also in this way ? What was once considered a cheap Pop song often has deeper "hidden " lyrics, but it might take you many years to glean them ! You cant dis-miss the cheesey until you have listened truly.

Sunday, 12 May 2019

Slippage ?

I have just lost 6 didnt take that long to post a quote. Its been a while since time slipped.

Saturday, 11 May 2019

Just a fun theory for now...

Lets ramble and play fast and loose, as you do when progressing ? I met a man online who told me about the power of 3 or more precisely taking 3 steps to complete a task. 1, 2, 3...completion through momentum.
  So i arrive late to a vehicle specialist needing a steering rod assembly  because mine has seized up. On trying to open the shop door i was not surprised to find it locked as it was nearly dinner time on a Saturday. I was with my daughter, and had been previously joking around  in the car calling out a cartoon like warp, warp, waaaarp ( the type of noise made to symbolise something had gone wrong ) sound. Suddenly without warning i shout this out at one of the workers preparing to pack up for the day...WARP<WARP< WARRRRRP ! LOL  
   He only goes around the side of the shop to the work bay and hands me over to another mechanic who drops what he is doing and proceeds to wrestle and sweat with my seized up car part ! He was about to go home and had shut down the computer too. After a tussle he just made me up a complete  new replacement. 
   So next time you think you have an obstacle i will very interested to know if saying this warp, warp, warp sound dropping a tone with each word changes your luck ? I dare you to try. This is just a theory for now....

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Breaks 1, 2, 3

1 ) A person is exhausted and at a breaking point

2 ) Inattention leads to a broken ankle / break

3 ) Said person is forced to rest and take a break

Monday, 6 May 2019

A Worrying Synchronicty

Two weeks ago i found myself chasing our Quad bike out of the farm on a sunny afternoon. Someone has hot wired it in broad daylight. Eventually after chase of 20 miles i lost the bike on some back lanes that led to a high moor. From here on the Police took over and caught the man using Police dogs. As he was already out on bail for theft i was told he would not be given bail a second time, and would stay locked up until charged. Well this morning i have received a letter saying he has jumped bail again and is on the run...sigh.
  Now as if this isnt enough i see the thief's middle name is DAVID. OK, not that amazing, but the next part of this story is. You see there was a husband and wife scam team who tried to con a neighbour out of their house last summer, and the middle names of this obnoxious couple were BRIAN and MARJORIE which are my parents first names !!! 

Strange also that a fellow blogger has decided to start on the path to aquire a job  in Policing...

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Saturday, 4 May 2019

I have at weaker moments questioned where i was on the above scale...

Friday, 3 May 2019

Destruction, again.


Well things have gone to shit here this holiday weekend. When isn't there a crisis on a holiday in Spring ? Last one saw our Quad bike stolen. and i shall post about that soon. Today has seen yet again one of my dogs kill a neighbours hen for the third time and i fear this time the dog will have to be destroyed. I have watched a destructive force move along that bloodline of dog both at home and in those offspring we sold or gave away. the events have been utter carnage, both deliberate and accidental. I don't think i can fight this anymore, so here i sit waiting for phone call from next door...i feel sick.