Thursday, 20 December 2018

Merry Christmas !

It is indeed an act of hysterical optimism to start any mechanical mending task immediately before Christmas. It NEVER goes right, the wind blows, the rain " pisses " ( a phrase which unless you've visited Britain in Winter may seen crude and vulgar ) down and its dark by 4 o'clock. 
  I went into town today for the 2nd consecutive day and a woman behind a shop counter said there was pre Christmas tension in the air, and how right she was. everyone is rushing just like me...and getting nowhere.
   Anything in this dark month requires twice as much energy to do. Of course a traditional Christmas was once not consumer led, it was a stay at home time and see the family ( good luck with that ) . In fact why don't families get together any more ? it seems to have gone out of fashion. 
  I also have a theory that the energy of this year is running on empty now, so doing anything useful is nearly impossible. There is definitely a burst on new energy once January gets going. I really love those cold brighter days and feel kind of reborn. With this in mind the idea of energy running out now seems to hold up. Yep i hate Christmas week for this reason, also its a sad comparison compared to years gone by...

I once considered creating a blog dedicated to capturing the essence of December with photos and poems. I may still...

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