Sunday, 16 September 2018

Impurities of the Blood ?

Its often with an almost embarrassed cringing that i re- echo what another blogger has just written , but i cannot deny i have also had my own very similar recent experiences. A month ago i started   to have negative dreams about a past social situation. The dreams filled me with un-ease and a great sadness when i awoke. You see this past situation despite the pit falls and dangers ended very well, though it did finally end...
  So where is this " false scenario " and past " negative past " come from ? In my dreams the person i befriended ignores me in social gatherings. It hurts. The dreams are subtle and frequent as though something is trying to re-write a false past.
  Maybe this is just my past anxiety's bubbling up, but i feel as though they are the running of an alternative past, maybe even if this is only an outcome i always expected, but were lucky enough to conquer and avoid back then.
  Its odd now as several years have passed since the friendship ended so i see no idea why i should be dreaming of unfulfillment. It does seem as though i am being tormented in a much too late attempt to take away what i deemed a success.
  When i wake up i have to recall memories to prove to myself these dreams are a false past and they never even come close to representing the truth. I hate them. They are a petty manifestation of either my own warped mind or anothers. Luckily they have ceased recently. I mean these up heavals are hrd enough to cope with once, never mind a fake retrospective insane re-writing.

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