Saturday, 29 September 2018

Gary Numan - M.E. (Wall-E Music Video)


There is no doubt that the people in this hamlet will soon have died, moved on or just forgot to stay. Slowly people are passing on or planning to move. At this time of my life i'm at a constant here. All others are on the move...

" When there's no one left tonight, when there's no one left to see. When there's ONLY me... "

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Can You Feel It Too ?

We are living in a new Aeon. In this age all the factors to enable a thing to succeed can be present but this is STILL not ENOUGH.

Nature is a good example. This valley has been in an environmental conservation scheme for 2 decades and still there is no more wildlife, in fact less wildlife is present here now.

A record breaking hot Summer has not produced anymore butterflies despite ideal conditions.

Fishery nets in the estuaries have been removed but migrating fish are a fraction of what they once were.

We can meddle and bend to aid nature but its all in vain. Something MORE is WRONG here...

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Black September

Im getting that end of September hacked off feeling. Historically i have experienced many unpleasant events during this month. Much trouble, trouble such as the death of my Grandad, my Dads breakdown, having to move house against my will, increasing work load on the farm....the list goes on. 
  Another fact that cannot be escaped apart from the fact that Winter is returning, is the realisation that everything changes from the previous Summer circumstances. Mindsets change. Goals change and people change. Everythings turned on its head.

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Gary Numan "Down in the Park" (Sulpher mix)


I cant exactly explain why but this track reminds me of the atmosphere of this valley where i live. Maybe its because this supposed " rural idyll " contains extreme violence and horrific happenings that seem to be ignored or not talked about by those who are local. I join the dots to see the picture most simply try to ignore...the decapitated murder remains hidden a few miles from here...the genuine spontaneous human combustion case just down the road...see my point ? Hidden beneath the seemingly innocent surface lurks another world, another side to the "park "

Saturday, 22 September 2018

There are many signs that something is wrong in a persons life. Many of these are today considered just normal...
Yellow is the colour of the moment ?

Friday, 21 September 2018

When you know theres a reason your watching that film....

" These are the dream walkers. a witches secret weapon. Somehow they crawl in your mind and steal your favourite memories and turn them into your worst nightmares "   

This line just jumped out at me as im watching a average horror film starring Vin  diesel ( yes, really )

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Who can withstand this ?

My Uncle told me this weekend that the most powerful image no one can fight is the image of a mother holding her baby. He is right. Any politician suggesting a policy that sees her loose any income finds themselves very quickly on the rocks of public opinion. Even world leaders bow to her during elections. Public opinion struggles to condemn her, even if she plays the welfare system. Advertisers over use her as a fail safe image to connect with even the most insular people. Take your potshot...then duck and cover because you have already unleased a shit storm your way...

But what does it mean ???

Today a triple synchronicity occurred.

1 ) I read a bloggers account of a strange unexplained noise coming from her fan...

2 ) Ive just returned from town after ordering a radiator fan for my car as the old one was humming.

3 ) My daughter comes home from school and turns on her favourite show - Fireman Sam. The episode was about a bus that caught on fire because its radiator fan had broken.

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Impurities of the Blood ?

Its often with an almost embarrassed cringing that i re- echo what another blogger has just written , but i cannot deny i have also had my own very similar recent experiences. A month ago i started   to have negative dreams about a past social situation. The dreams filled me with un-ease and a great sadness when i awoke. You see this past situation despite the pit falls and dangers ended very well, though it did finally end...
  So where is this " false scenario " and past " negative past " come from ? In my dreams the person i befriended ignores me in social gatherings. It hurts. The dreams are subtle and frequent as though something is trying to re-write a false past.
  Maybe this is just my past anxiety's bubbling up, but i feel as though they are the running of an alternative past, maybe even if this is only an outcome i always expected, but were lucky enough to conquer and avoid back then.
  Its odd now as several years have passed since the friendship ended so i see no idea why i should be dreaming of unfulfillment. It does seem as though i am being tormented in a much too late attempt to take away what i deemed a success.
  When i wake up i have to recall memories to prove to myself these dreams are a false past and they never even come close to representing the truth. I hate them. They are a petty manifestation of either my own warped mind or anothers. Luckily they have ceased recently. I mean these up heavals are hrd enough to cope with once, never mind a fake retrospective insane re-writing.

Saturday, 15 September 2018


Its that time of year again... This picture captures the dark, mucky decent from Summer to Autumn.  What really excites me is how accurate the blue sky colours are for this time of year. There is always that first cold gust of wind that announces the change, and here she embraces it. Also women Summer well and by Autumn they are in peak breeding condition, as such. And as a man just trust me on that ! The corn swaying seems particularly pagan too. A season of unease and change.

Friday, 14 September 2018

In the desert life attracts life
In life, like attracts like.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Developing Goppleganger ?

Today a photograph was reluctantly brought to my attention on facebook. My relation really wondered whether he was doing the right thing showing  it to me. The thing was several other people he knew had come to the same conclusion that this photograph was just plain disturbing. The photo was of a family member and a lodger who comes from Brazil. The odd thing is that his face seems to becoming disturbingly like my Sisters in its bone structure. Again this is not my observation, but now im wondering whether this is a trick of the light or just a freak photograph. This weekend i should get the answer.

Monday, 3 September 2018

There is little " forbidden fruit " nowadays, but what is still forbidden today is more forbidden than ever.   A style of sentence make up is returning to me....

Sea Cave Alter ?


Well i finally did it after failing 18 months ago. Last time i attempted this 3 mile coastal walk from Tintagel to Boscastle i didnt get above half a mile before i couldnt climb the cliff steps. I just stood and looked at them. I couldnt physically climb them or even start too. Something was very wrong and a visit to the doctor eventually revealed i had a vitamin B12 shortage...Anyway feeling in much better health this year i relished completing the walk, after all i had a distinct feeling there was something  waiting there me ....

It wasnt long before i found a sea cave. It was angled so i couldnt see inside from any direction. Suddenly a large block of quartz caught my eye, next how flat and table shaped it was gave me an odd feeling. Of course next i noticed how the over hanging slate seemed angle like a roof giving shelter. Getting nearer was impossible as it was on the edge of a shear drop. Ive heard the mystic Dion Fortune used a sea cave around there for her magick. Is this an alter ? I'd say so. It is definitely man made. Its not beyond reason to think this may well be that very cave. Well i like to think so.

When finally walking past i got a distinct atomosphere of the past i used to get when i was heavily into this scene. It felt like bumping into the old me. It was a nostalgic feeling and only on passing did it fade and then a great sadness came over me for a while. It soon passed, but that feeling of past moons and malarkey stayed with me. I feel there is some essence of me here. Its odd. Instinct tells me im part of something forever now...



Why does life continue  ? Obviously we procreate a replacement, but an essence that is not entirely understoood by us is also passed down.  I shall stop short of saying God, for now... This idea makes sense to me. Its so obtuse i can go with it.

Saturday, 1 September 2018