Sunday, 12 November 2017

He-Man and Skeletor Feel EPIC 40 seconds| MoneySuperMarket | 2017 [OFFI...

I must first admit that I quite like this advert on the surface, but look a little deeper and it is yet another Money Supermarket add that mocks the trait of the masculine...again...sigh. And again you can see the hand of the modern advertiser making pushing Gay values.

  First of all this advert is the reworking of a scene from an iconic films dance scene between a man and a woman, but they cant resist showing two male lead characters embracing to dance and shots of dismay on the faces of people in the bar. These people quickly shake of their initial shock and even join in the dance. This is saying that if you find a problem with two men dancing then you must be a backward as the red necks who are frequenting the bar....and who wants to acquainted with that ?

  The very clever part though is the use of cartoon heros that people in their 40's will instantly recognize from their childhood and immediately relate to. That's a dirty trick. Its a devious episode in adverts at the moment. If you look below the initial appearance the subtext is attacking the masculine or mocking. They revel in this. Open your eyes you are being brain washed softly.

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