Friday, 30 June 2017

Lights in the Sky

Image result for Phoenix Lights YouTubeDo you ever feel after writing down in cold print your experiences, that you are in fact becoming a joke ? Only last week I saw two strange lights in the sky. Again I shall tell it exactly how it was however ridiculas it may sound. Around 10pm as it was coming in dark I noticed 2 lights hovering very high in the sky, in fact I would say they were at the height that Airliners fly at. Each light consisted of 4 single lights joined up. The length of each chain of lights at the height they were meant they must have been very large. The lights did not flash so they were not an aeroplane, nor were they coloured in anyway. A sudden flash of a sickle shadow appeared for a second too and it was simply huge. I thought maybe they might be Chinese lanterns, but these things were huge and were so high. On getting into bed a gust of wind blew my window open and blinds about and a cupboard door open ! I had to laugh as the whole event seemed to be a parody of the X- Files. Joking aside the whole episode leaves me with  a strange feeling.

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