Wednesday, 20 April 2016


Having sent a tyre for repair after weeks of messing around with a slow puncture, I am today informed that I will need a whole new tyre as it is not repairable. Of course the number 23 turns up on the alloy wheel. This probably means that all the alloy wheels will need replacing soon. I am having 2 balanced later this week and what bets they are buckled ? We shall see...

Update - the tyre constantly leaked to 23 p.s.i...the new tyre cost £123 and the wheel nut covers were 23mm in diameter. That's a lot of 23's !

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Crash bang and wallop !

A quick entry as I have a monster headache from spending to much time staring at this screen. The Element of Air -  Yesterday I turned around in our kitchen to see a metal top from a jam jar, spinning around on its own. Next day my wife was cleaning some ones kitchen when at the opposite end of the room came an almighty crash. A shelf of heavy pots and pans had fallen down by itself. Today my metal fish shoal sculpture has fallen off the wall sometime this afternoon. Luckily it hasn't broken this time, last spring it did. In general things are falling in chaos. Change is in the air I guess...

Monday, 11 April 2016

Not if it means going back to the fact it led to my shine.

Friday, 8 April 2016

Beyond weird

Image result for images for columbia jungle
The Columbia in my
How is this for weird ?

Each day I get several phone calls that I answer, and no one is on the other end of the phone.

The number starts with 005 , the international code for Columbia !!!

Once again these weird calls have started after a relation has sent his laptop to be repaired at " that shop " . This usually triggers calls from Nigeria. These new silent calls are very odd. I sound mad, but something is not right here at the moment.. What possible gain could be made from these pointless calls being made to me ? Has the world gone mad ? Or am I just missing something here ?

Thursday, 7 April 2016

A black pit of anger

I feel a black pit of anger inside of me. Its growing ever more bitter by the day. Its been months now of hassle just trying to get a car on the road. Ive tried to buy a new one and fell out with the high pressure salesman, ive tried to buy a second hand one and had nothing but trouble with repairs, ive tried to get my old car back on the road, and that was an epic undertaking if ever their was one. It however is corroding on the chassis so it wont pass its road test after this summer. All of this has arised a holy black anger in me. Its like a hot tar that bubbles. An unnatural sequence of events is upon me and im about to explode.
  Do you really want to know what makes me most angry though ? It is the fact that money is not a problem here. If it were id have some excuses. Money doesn't produce results. Money cant change luck or devastating sequences of events. In fact money cant solve any of my car problems and to be honest for the first time in my life im beat. I feel im in a parallel fucked up universe and there is no way out of it. Im lost, truly lost. Maybe behind my back all ive learnt is now irrelevant ?
  This post could be about anything that a person may care about. The fact it is about a material possession makes me even madder. Shouldn't be so complicated should it. Ive heard nothing back from my local garage and I can feel that something is going on here, another problem no doubt. Like I said im going to explode soon...
  I feel this whole sharade is a metaphor for something bigger that is wrong with today. I feel im approaching a crises that I need to face. No doubt the fact im returning to Boscastle this Summer has some bearing on it all. I tend to be in crises when I visit. It is a place to think and meet the otherside. God knows what they think when I approach on those cliffs ? Here he is again....

Friday, 1 April 2016

To hell with the hounds....

I cannot die a second time to myself.

Morgan ( not an April fools joke )

Four years ago I sat by a sea cave that filled with water in such a manner that it gave a rhythmic boom that made my skin tingle. It was a sunny cool night. At this time I had found a person who understood me deeply, but there was a problem as they were not of my social circle or age particularly. Great as this was, I remember staring out to sea as the sun set. I longed for someone of my own age group with whom I could share my own ideas. I really wanted this. When I returned home I soon forgot about that moment, but as often with magick the actual act, conscious or not is totally forgotten until the results flare up in front of you. I didn't have to wait long as through my blog I stumble immediately upon a woman. As this sea cave was not far from the supposed mythical site of King Arthur castle, the name Morgan seemed particularly poignant. Indeed it was not coincidence. Only a moron would use that argument...
   The name Morgan was not really a link to Morgan Le Faye ( evil witch type ) as in the legends familiar to Cornwall, but rather the Morgan that appears in the Dion Fortune novels The Sea Priestess and Moon Magic. This soon became clear as this real life Morgan was also striking in appearance, stylish, cultured, educated and creative. The fact that she seemed to remain cut off from society only furthered her connection to Dion Fortunes Morgan, well in my minds eye anyway. Its taken me a couple of years to accept this " coincidence ".
  So where is this Morgan you may ask ? Well by a twist of  fate in another country at the other side of the Atlantic. So what next ? Well ive enjoyed sharing ideas with this person, in fact it has been a big part of me at times, maybe too big a part when times were rough. Just like the book Morgan she comes and goes over time and its here that ive learnt to measure my emotions. I needed to be taught that lesson and I have learnt it the hard way, both online and in real life.
  Ive at times seen so many synchronicites  involving this that to post them all would be embarrassing. I hope ive also taught her some qualities, maybe ? I don't really know what I have to offer though as I feel a little outgunned like Wilfred in the first novel, but that's the point isn't it ? The balance, the flow of energy. This energy maybe just one way, I don't know. If that is so then it is a limited scenario as Wilfred learnt...
   To examine to closely is as ive said before is like looking at the fairy diamonds in the daylight and discovering they have turned to leaves. This can be a problem. The very fact that separation of like minded people is the crux of these progressions can be frustrating and annoying, but this is part of the fray that is a life less ordinary. It is not a game or a joke, but an obstacle that stirs up new awakenings. I needed to " meet " Morgan and vibed we have and look forward to doing so in the future...We come across those we need to.