Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Why Little Matters ?

If its HOT you'll want COOL
If you want COOL you'll get HOT
If its GOOD it turns BAD
If its BAD it turns GOOD
If your HAPPY you'll turn SAD
If your SAD then you'll find HAPPY
If your BORED you'll find PURPOSE
If you have PURPOSE you'll get BORED
If your SECULAR you'll find GOD
If you've found GOD you'll turn SECULAR...

This is the joke of life. The joke of the General at the Expense of the Particular


  1. Makes you wonder what the purpose of living is after all and whether it's worth it all.

  2. Maybe the true meaning of life can be found in a complete reversal of what we already know or believe ? Its sometimes how people find their " new selves "and also maybe why nothing ever seems right.
