Saturday, 26 December 2015

Merry Christmas


Live Christmas nativity scene reenacted in a medieval barn - the baby is a doll - stock photoReproduction ? A womans greatest hat trick is that she will reproduce even when she doesnt want to. If a she doesnt, then this will not be of her own choice, but due to other factors as she will if possible sell herself out to the act finally. This is pure genius as her higher self takes over from the lower self resulting in harmony anf the continuation of the human race. Her feelings are trumped by nature, and she doesnt even bat an eye lid in response. What a hero ? A bit like the virgin Mary ?? The need to reproduce comes from above her pay grade. And some say its repressive ? Naaah


  1. I can relate to this. I am a woman, of course (at least I think so, though I often don't feel female, honest to God), and I am really torn regarding how to feel about reproduction. The entire idea makes me feel weak. It makes me feel defective. And yet, without reproduction, nothing, no one, would exist. Yet, I feel it is sometimes a dirty, repulsive thing. As someone who attempts to live with some spiritual valour, I am not a very good person in light of this, because I often dislike some aspects of the "female principle." I believe in the Other Side, and in some ways, I feel that reproduction, bringing us into the world, brings us as well into something tainted and flawed. At the same time, there is this strange paradox in that there is some beauty in some aspects of this at times banal seeming life. Sometimes life just seems like such an awful, big mess...a world of banality and anonymity...a world of just pure nothingness. I am misunderstood by women and cast off, which is why I can only make friends with other men. Strange thing is, sometimes I feel that if I really found someone I truly loved/respected, I might have children, but, he would have to be like a real hero of sorts, someone really different, otherwise it would be "just like everyone else." I want an idealistic life, much more than most, and maybe that is why I view motherhood as a strange, alien thing, because it's messy, and sometimes grotesque.

  2. I must admit that I am not as " Spiritual " as I was since becoming a father. If I look back at old posts I can see this, hence this blog has been harder work than usual, but still not totally impossible task.

    1. I know what you mean. I think if I had children...I would possibly do myself in. I can barely understand myself.
