Saturday, 26 December 2015

Merry Christmas


Live Christmas nativity scene reenacted in a medieval barn - the baby is a doll - stock photoReproduction ? A womans greatest hat trick is that she will reproduce even when she doesnt want to. If a she doesnt, then this will not be of her own choice, but due to other factors as she will if possible sell herself out to the act finally. This is pure genius as her higher self takes over from the lower self resulting in harmony anf the continuation of the human race. Her feelings are trumped by nature, and she doesnt even bat an eye lid in response. What a hero ? A bit like the virgin Mary ?? The need to reproduce comes from above her pay grade. And some say its repressive ? Naaah

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

In On The Act

Image result for images of myleene klass m&s christmas advert pianoWell advertisers are using the Christmas full moon to full affect in their adverts. In fact they are aligning themselves with the waxing moon. Its a clever trick, even if it is the basics of a magical stance. Also being used is the seasonal favourite colour purple...again. To be associated again with an image of quality, trust and regal images will do " them " no harm at all. Sometimes mystical things can turn up in the most mundane subjects or mediums.

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Right where anyone who cared to look could see...

We have had terrible floods in Cumbria this weekend, so I decided to take a short walk after the rain had stopped to look at a river, or rather a water fall that ive been familiar with all my life. It is in a small pine wood, and on entering it I sensed all seemed to have a total lack of atmosphere, in fact a sterile feel was in the air. Ive known this little wood all my life and it felt as if nothing was left of its history to me...
   Soon I came across an alarming site. A small group of very conventionally dressed men and women and children all singing a haunting melody at the waterfall i'd come to see. There was no audience watching, and the roar of the water was quite loud, so too who or what were they singing ? The tune could have been a folk or pagan, or maybe possibly a hymn, but not one id heard before.
    This river is a small one, and far from a town. It is a remote and rather hidden place that many pass by. The water had receded this afternoon, so it was not a prayer to spare people the flood as it was was way too late for that.
  I just kept walking, then turned around after a few minutes to return home and once more pass them. As I went past they had obviously finished ( nice timing ) and followed me out onto the road again. Ive no idea why they were there or why they were singing by the flooded river, but I don't doubt that there is a connection between water and there little performance in the woods.

Sunday, 29 November 2015

The Contradiction

Image result for angel devil imagesSo what of a man who starts off his life in an EVIL way ? Suddenly he turns to GOOD. This is often in a complete and utter transformation. The man who STARTS off life living good is corrupted by evil, but still his good works continue. in a strange duality. In this respect good seems CONQUER complete evil, but evil can live alongside good, corrupting it, but NOT killing it entirely. It is this contradiction that people hate the most.

Friday, 27 November 2015

The Tor Strikes Again ?

 Yesterday I got a distinct feeling of deja- vu. The day was exceptionally mild, misty and spring like. Even the Jackdaws were attempting to nest, and its now November ! We have a full moon at the moment as well... A joyous atmosphere seemed to be hanging over our valley. In the morning Glastonbury Tor was mentioned on the radio...Yes, all this has happened before last winter. The EXACT same strange sequence of events. Its a strange mix I'm not likely to forget.
  So does Glastonbury Tor emit moods across England ? Can it affect atmospheres, both for " good " or as many claim " bad " ? I believe so. Today was a positive example. Would I notice a negative one ?

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

The New Nature Of The Catastrophy

I have recently suffered a financial temporary collapse. It is complete and profound. It is the result of an event passing over me that is not natural. How do I know this ? Because it is a joint result of several causes of sources of mistakes. Firstly there was my mistake, forgetting to cancel a payment, secondly another payment that I had cancelled but was still taken out of my bank by an organisation- someone elses mistake. And lastly a credit card I need to use due to the previous cock-ups didn't work temporally - chance. All these incidents aligned - My mistake - Anothers mistake - And chance . This symbolises an event or mood event. Logic can not tackle this. Time will see it blow over.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Handel: Air and Variations (The Harmonious Blacksmith)

Turns out that the random sheet of music was Handels Air. Very apt, as the element of air was very much evident as the weeks leading up to my house move saw much bumping into each other, and dropping and knocking over of objects, often on a daily basis. It has been a trying month...

Sunday, 8 November 2015

A Beautiful Pianist Calls !

I haven't had much to write about recently, but last night has changed all that. Due to our annual family fire bonfire, some relations and their friends were visiting. Afterwards we came inside for drinks.. It was then that a dark haired and rather striking stranger suddenly started playing my parents piano.  They had left it behind during the recent move. She started to play a very dark and complex melody, and so competent was she that I thought she must know the piece from heart, after all I had never heard my Mother play this music. Maybe it was from a teen film sound track ? I was more surprised when it turned out that the music was being played from on a sheet, propped on the piano lid. Not a bad attempt at a first play of such a complex melody. It was a surreal moment as the dark music filled the room of visitors. How long had that piece of music sat there waiting for someone of a higher enough calibre to perform it, or let it manifest ? All in all an intoxicating experience judging by the glances around the crowd that were suddenly an its audience

Friday, 6 November 2015

Just the way it is....

I am beginning to believe that inanimate objects are connected, how otherwise do they develop the same faults in synchronicity ? For example we have 2 landrovers that both developed dodgey fuel gauges at the same time... Wheel trouble is another synchronicity that occurs. Why these things happen in groups of objects we don't know. One day we will, but today, or for now it doesn't matter, it just is. Period.

Monday, 2 November 2015

The Colour Purple

Once again the Merlins of the media have decided to thrust PURPLE upon us. This colour is once again springing up in TV adverts and TV studio prop set and back grounds. It is also being used on product packaging again. It is definitely in vogue again as ive seen before in the Winter months before Christmas. Look out for it, and you may be surprised just how much its being squeezed into our perception. It a Winter thing.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Stop me if i'm wrong, stop me if i'm wrong....

The exception to the rule proves nothing

The exception to the rule proves everything 

An exception to the rule proves little, as it only applies to a minority of circumstances so teaches us little of use, but it also teaches us why circumstances are the way they are for the majority of the time. To hold 2 conflicting view points in our minds at once is regarded as a great feat, and a steep towards seeing all angles in life !

Monday, 19 October 2015

No. 85

" I distrust any thoughts uttered by any man whose health is not robust. All other thoughts are surely symptons of disease ? Yet these thoughts are often beautiful and may be true within the circle of the conditions of the speaker. And yet again, do we not find that the most robust of men express NO thoughts at all ? They eat and drink and copulate in silence... What better proof of the fact that all thought is dis-ease ?  "   A. Crowley

It is indeed true. Happy and healthy fulfilled people do spend hours on end spouting their views online or writing poetry or write blogs. Thought and creativity are a sign of mental dis-ease. I have known this for some time. Further more birds of a feather flock together...

Saturday, 10 October 2015

The Unwritten Law !

There is an unwritten law in this Universe. It cannot be avoided, and always manifests itself at every opportunity. If a man is mixing a quantity of concrete, he will always be a little short of having enough to finish the job. Usually if small amounts are mixed he will be short by a shovel full. If a big job is attempted, he will probably be short by the same ratio as a small job runs short. There will be a figure or ratio that reflects this law as a constant. A learned man would do well to figure this out.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Have All The Best Popes Been Atheists ?

Today 300 celibate Catholic Priests will debate their religions stance on the Family. Is this a bit ironic ? Or are really " all the best Popes Atheists " ? After all those who havent bought into a situation, or have a vested interest in one, may after all offer the most uncorrupted and useful view points on such a subject ! Maybe...after all if our heart is in something then how reliable can our judgement be ?? It is bound to be blurred.. no ?

Friday, 2 October 2015

Moon Magick

Midday Summer sun
In midnight Winter sky
Moonlight hangs heavy over these hills tonight
Ethereal silver mist dissolving all that's mundane
A fairy tale landscapes defining this dale
Unseen things flitter seen barely from eye
Their unknown trajectory
From some other side

Rich velvet shadows float darkly, no sound
Childhood exuberance echoes around
An ordinary room conducts taps and those cracks
Sparkling with something that's trying to get back
To what and to where ?
Its deviations abound
Like rain on my window
A familiar sound.


Having just experienced a super moon and a lunar eclipse, I found my mind cast back to this poem I wrote a while ago. Ive tried to capture the magic that a moonlight night fills me with and exactly what it is about one in the valley where I live, that's just so special !

Monday, 28 September 2015

Equestria Girls : Sunset Shimmer's Transformation

Im the first to admit that this transformation sequence is quite hard core. Is it taken from a Manga adult animation ? Why, no. This is the latest My Little Pony offering. Mmmm... Things turn even deeper when an alternative dimension is is shown to be accessible through a mirror that is used as a " portal " . The " angels " fight the " demons " . Sometimes childrens TV programs contain more truth than first meets the eye.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Is The Countryside Dying ?

Now I don't say this at all lightly, or flippantly, but I have come to the conclusion that there is a great stillness that has descended upon the county I live in. It is a phenomenon that of course is most noticeable locally. A classic example is the village In which I live . Sunday morning saw not a noise anywhere, bar the odd car and they were few and far between. No strimmers, quad bikes or farm animals making any noise either. No children playing noisily on the playground, not even on a Sunday morning !!. For long lengths of time you can walk round our village and not see a soul. Its  as though everyone has just disappeared. What are they doing ? Where are the noises of  human activity ? All feels dead, and not in a nice way. The life  force seems to have drained from everything.
   I recently visited a busy annual livestock sale. It was busy, but noise wise quiet, almost smothered. The usual buzzing atmosphere had simply gone. The next town to my village, although larger is just the same. So quiet. Do people not do anything anymore ? A friend suggested that more houses are owned by people who commute, and are away at work during the week and out all weekend... This maybe contributing to this uneasy quietness that's hanging over everywhere like a spell. As Ive lived in the same area all my life, I notice all the subtle changes in atmosphere...

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Are We Rewarded For Good Works ?


Stevie Ba's photo.Suddenly charity didn't seem like such a good idea... The world owes YOU and ME no mercy. It is of course a reflection of our own lives, which contrary to what you think, are dangerously, nay perilously in the balance, with NO safety net. Go abroad to such places and you double your risk. This is a classic example. The universe will not REWARD you for acts of charity. It will not buy you a get out of jail card during trouble. There is no guiding hand to save you. Maybe the way of Tao rules. Let all continue as it is. try to change it at your peril... The world is not a play ground. We romanticise others suffering so we can delude ourselves that we can change it. We cant. It just is. Such people search for an over simplified idea of charity. Not all people or cultures are equal. Not all places are England. Best stop at home and care for your friends and family ! Sorry , but you know in right...


Tuesday, 8 September 2015

The Prodigy - Skylined (Remastered)

"   In the mean time I had my dream of moon-magic and sea palaces, and day by day I lived in another dimension where I had that which I knew I could never have on earth, and I was very happy... "  Dion Fortune   

This paragraph, if you read it carefully describes best this blog, and the times I lived once.

Saturday, 5 September 2015

In a quiet mood at the moment. Im currently re-reading a book by Dion Fortune, slowly and methodically this time. The idea is that im looking back retrospectively at my last few years experiences, and asking myself whether a party has actively been cultivating my distress by using a certain situation as a tool against me. Apparently a person could even do this without realising... Im hoping to find out why ive suffered so much. I know what ive been through, but not why ? 

Friday, 28 August 2015

9 of 81, Poems from the Tao

I have come to a growing awareness of death around me, and the cycle of new life, and all in a very personal none new age fluffy way too ( don't worry )  This excerpt is based on water, a substance that never stops annoying me. Its latest trick is to run at short bursts from a firmly turn off tap ! This is not limited to just my house either. Water is unstoppable, so is death and life. I don't matter, or rather the world cares not for my existence. It owes me no favours and will give none. The Tao calls chaos order, and maybe it is ? To be continued...

So Simple

Twiztid Los & Lettes's photo.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Facebook is a portal to people youve never met, and those you have met, but no longer see. Then there is the everyday...In this sense it manipulates reality and brings into your life old and new otherwise impossible new mindsets. The definition of magick is to cause something to happen that otherwise would not have...

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Gigi D'Agostino - Nowhere Land ( Underconstruction 3 )

I remember listening to this album one Christmas. I was filled with emotion, emotion that was a seasonal Winter over load. I was aware of each separate snow flake falling, the crystal clarity of the air on frosty nights, and the white silver of the moons colour. The blackness of the nights was so severe, and I could feel the power of Winters grip. Being the Winter Solstice it was of course a tipping point that didn't last long. Come January the days brightened. Of course looking back now I was in the grip of something I haven't got today, a product of a highly aroused mind set. I was on an emotional octane booster. Sometimes I miss that state as It was a different reality to everyone else around me. This is where ive the grip of an entity, and without a choice either.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Holy Light ?

This week Ive been on holiday on the North East coast. I decided to take an opportunity to visit the Holy Island known as Lindisfarne (bottom photo ) Due to the fact that the tide cuts off the access road for 6 hours at a time, my visit was brief. Owing to my young daughter I couldn't make the one mile walk to the castle, but I plan to in the future. Despite the fleeting visit, I noticed something very peculiar about the light that falls on this area. In fact it reminded me of the light that falls on the countryside that surrounds Glastonbury Tor ( top photo ) Basically even though the sun maybe over head, and the sky cloudless, the light has a tinted look to it, and shadows cloak the land, though no
obstacles or big hills are present. Once you leave said areas then the sunlight becomes brilliant and penetrating once again. This phenomenon gives such areas a gloomy atmosphere, maybe even a little tense. The land appears a dirty mauve colour. At first I thought it was my imagination, but ive seen this happen twice at Glastonbury now. Something is corrupting the light, or diminishing it. It seems to be prevalent at sites with a spiritual past. See my link to GLASTONBURY.

Wake Up World's photo.

Friday, 7 August 2015

The Unexpected

Sharon R Johnson's photo.
I love this picture. It is a depiction of a taboo. The overwhelming force of destruction that gets you from behind. You never see it coming though. The unexpected.


Out side my window is a disturbing melee of noise. When I specifically listen, I can make out teenagers screaming, a toddler crying, an owl hooting, a dog intermittently whining, and snatches of adult conversation. When im not listening intently these noises become just pulses of extremely worrying discord. They all sound like suffering.

The sounds apart, its a very still night. Today was my Cousins funeral. She was the same age as me...

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

The Crone !

The Crone. The Crone is the final stage of a womans life. The closing chapter. Every opportunity to point out a potential problem, or a moral ambiguity is taken and exploited to the max. She will not let one slip past. Everything becomes a problem. She amplifies every turn or item said in speech. A question becomes a crises. Everything becomes a referendum on your moral out look and awareness. You are constantly painted as unaware by her, but the irony is that a Crone has only just had her own blinkers removed, and she is in fact the one who has not yet adapted to the new sites shes percieving !

Friday, 31 July 2015

Lumberjacks Lament

Who hath not an axe to grind ?
Despite all this, trees one day fall
Wasted energy swing the shaft
 In the coming storm all labour is proved redundant
Generations regenerate new ideas
Chance dictates your timeline
Hope not you land on the harvest time
Your childrens axe, now your greatest fear...

Monday, 27 July 2015

Is This Why You Cant Find God ?

  Ive just read on online link to a piece about the Pineal Gland which is  situated  deep in our brains. Some people are pre-disposed to be able to see things with this so called " third eye ," or sense things which others around them cannot . These people along with some who have certain medical anomalies regarding the Pituitary gland can also sense thing that a normal " healthy " person can not. So while some people long to experience anything Supernatural at all, others are already pre-disposed to be constantly open to such things, whether they want to be or not !!
   Could the same be said for those who claim they have found God ? Are they subject to certain advantages that have given them a head start over the rest of us ? Maybe medical, maybe hereditary even ? I know I myself have certain advantages enabling me to sense Supernatural things, so maybe those who live with God on a daily basis, have something I presently don't ? Something I may never have ? Maybe God will never be found by some of us, and  through no fault of our own.

Friday, 24 July 2015

What Does This Say About Time ?

An Orb has recently appeared on this photograph of St Johns Church that I took 2 years ago. It is in front of the gravestone. It remains there over several photographs...The Church is near Western-Super-Mare. This year when I returned I could not find this place again, even after reverting to my sat nav. I guess a repeat visit was not meant to be. There is something disorientating about the Glastonbury area. It drives me mad.

Motley Crue Merry go Round video

Weve all had obsessions which have taken more from us than we would have liked...

Monday, 20 July 2015

The Night Is My Friend, The Day Is My Enemy ?

Sharon Claudia's photo.
I remember back in the day, sitting up into the wee small hours talking about life and the meaning of it.  Just sitting  on my parents Rayburn with a mug of tea was a nice way to end a night out, just chatting to a friend or whoever was stopping over that weekend... My conversations often strayed into strange areas and views. The later it got, the wilder the views. Big mental leaps forward seemed possible due to the more fluid, loose atmosphere. The trouble was though, that come morning all I had discussed the previous night seemed nothing but a source of embarrassment, and clumsy thinking. I sometimes woke up the next morning cringing at what i'd said the night before. Yes, the night loosens our inhibitions. What of today though ? Well I just want to get too bed !!

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Beyond My Paygrade

OK, a weird one here. The sun sets in the middle of this tree at the beginning of every June, for around one week, but it is still doing so now, on the 14th Of July !! Its position is wrong, and our seasons are 3 weeks behind this year. Is there a connection here, or am I an ass ?

Perfection is one increment from disaster...

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Of Water And Women In Pink

Well, well it doesn't take long for some strange new circumstances to arise. Two new things are worthy of a post. Today two people I know very well saw a neighbour of theirs walking on our single track road. They drove past her. Nothing unusual there, but as these two people had forgotten something they had to turn round and go back home. They did this immediately after passing our walking neighbour , on doing a u -turn they found she had vanished  ! She had not had time to go anywhere, besides its a single track road. Where did she go ? The worst part though is that they said she was uncharacteristically wearing PINK . This immediately reminded me of the woman in pink that appeared on a photo I took at Boscastle. This has rattled me.

Said neighbours husband recently bought a fresh car a while ago too. It was second hand, and a distinctive green colour. The first time I saw it a woman with curly short blond hair was driving it, so when my neighbour was driving the car a few weeks later I asked him who the woman was who he had bought the car off, as I told him I had seen her in the distinctive car before he had bought it. He replied that he had driven the car home after buying it and that no woman had ever driven the car to his home. It wasn't a local car either... I was somewhat embarrassed as he must have though I sounded like a complete lunatic ! I saw this woman in the car clearly too as I edged past her slowly on our narrow country lane. I was not mistaken.

Unfortunately this nieghbour is gravely ill at the moment and I think it may be terminal, or so its been suggested by his family. Im not sure if this has any leaning on the above events. These are worrying days. Very real and disturbing things are happening around me. Tonight a water tap switched its self on full blast, and by several turns at that, spraying my bathroom with water as I sat in the bath. Even by my standards that's an alarming water incident. I worry what this means....

Friday, 3 July 2015

For the first time in years I have no over bearing influences in my life. No one is inspiring me, or amazing me. I am not overly invested emotionally in anyone. I don't hang on anyones word at the moment. There are changes going on in those I live near or more accurately my neighbours. Big changes I shall soon write about...

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Whats yours ?

Robert Duncan's photo.

Well mine seem to be fading. I wonder what that means ? Progression ? Yes, I believe so...

Thursday, 25 June 2015

What Once Was Easy Is No More

There is a new cold sterile reality. I don't know when it started, but the days of my adolescence and childhood saw a world locally where nature thrived. How can I tell this world no longer exists ? It can simply be revealed by my brushes with nature today..
   Having become a father I decided to collect some frog spawn to grow into frogs. I thought it would be fun for my daughter, as I did the same as a child. I remember collecting the spawn on cold windy April days, then releasing the frogs in June. How did things go nowadays ? Well the tadpoles have had to be released outside, into a pond as its nearly July, and they've only developed two legs so far. The very act of rearing them seemed impossible today, but it WASNT once...something has changed ! After all its not rocket science, is it ? There is a strange atmosphere nowadays. Nature is held in high regard, but doesn't play ball to our whims. Raising those frogs was an instance of hysterical optimism. It is no longer do able. Sad, but true.
   Things are similar when it comes to growing seeds into vegetables. I plant them, they sprout, but never amount to anything, even after a full summer. The rain pounds the loose soil. 1 in 4 seeds sold in shops are infertile, so said a recent gardening survey...
   The rivers in my valley used to hold good runs of migratory fish from July to December. Today your lucky if you see any, let alone catch one on a rod. All this when the rivers have never been so policed and clean and free of pollution. The water has a clear shallow look to it and there is no atmosphere in the river, I can feel the void of any decent fish life. The act of catching a Salmon seems today like a fairytale. Something profound changed. It has a deeper link than just the environmental. I can feel and believe this somehow. Times have changed, Yes, but also in a way I have yet to fully understand. Nature, especially connected to water is barren, gone, vacant.


Monday, 22 June 2015

Mechanical Alchemy ? ( stop laughing at the back )

Having just finished reading The Alchemist, im dwelling on the idea that metals can only change their make up when a person has acquired an equivalent mental change to match. So our mindset can effect such stable things as inanimate objects then ?  I have also read in the past that people such as Madame Blavatsky believed thats all objects had a soul.In fact she was said to spend many hours taking with objects such as pebbles !! This ties in with the whole idea of Alchemy too, that ALL THINGS are connected.
   Ive had my suspicions that something can effect inanimate objects, as a certain mechanical problem can occur in several vehicles or machines over a short period of time. Ive hardly dared suggest that some force seems at work as up until now, as  ive heard no theories regarding such things. When I consider that a persons character, or mind may be responsible for some input into these " occurrences " then what I learnt in The Alchemist seems quite transferable to my experiences with things breaking. For example I am plagued with tyre and wheel problems...I have friends who also get the same specific problems with each vehicle they own. It rather become a joke in my family.
   Can an object be more than the sum of its parts ? Can a car be conscious ? Thats a running joke in my family. If a person pours a lot of effort, mental and physical into say a car, can that car benefit ? Can something extra appear beyond its mechanical make up ? Is perfection mechanical ? Or has a mental add on got to be in the mix to achieve that satisfaction all car enthusiast crave ? I believe that the way a car drives is affected in at least in some parts by our mindsets.
   A few months ago I added some seats from a sports model to my car. After 2 months I still couldnt get comfortable. This was infuriating. When I returned from a holiday recently they fitted me like a glove. I am baffled as to what had changed in that time I was away. Maybe my posture was more relaxed after a holiday ? Either way my mindset had changed an object or the way of its apparent ergonomics. In fact my whole car feels better since ive been away, and its continuing to do so, its not the novelty factor of returning to it. Some states can not be reached by physical actions alone, or even mechanical ones. This is something ive learnt over the years, and it puts me off swapping my car for a newer one. I cant be bothered to go through the whole " mechanical alchemy " malarky with another car. It can take years to attain !!!
Rarely a day goes by that CANADA isnt mentioned on our U.K television stations.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Im Not Breaking My Neck To Repay Your Debt

I find it very strange that people in general go so far out of their way, and far so long, just to fight the corner for another race or sexuality that is completely alien from their own. Of course we all have a general empathy for others, but many take this to a ridiculous level. Take for example the recent referendum on GAY marriage in Southern Ireland. Around 80% or more people voted YES  !  This is a historically deeply religious country. Maybe the NO voters felt they couldn't turn out ? And that begs the question why ?  The lions share of the population voted to desecrate their countries religious beliefs, all so they could please an alien sexuality. What other country would do that ?

The same applies for RACE.  Many people who arent black go bonkers and start long running crusades to help another race. Some in the U.S.A even disown their family heritage to join the legions of the oppressed. And they do appear oppressed . Im not debating that fact. Still such an allegiance to another race, other than their own again seems most bizarre. Some kind of physcosis must be at work, or maybe years of politically correct brain washing has finally unbalanced peoples view of  their priorities. Change anothers  priorities to align with your own and the battle is won.

Friday, 19 June 2015

Tattoos & Alibis

These song lyrics remind me of a woman I met recently on facebook. Turns out she had several false facebook profiles, some of which were on my friends list. She ran a " free speech " page which often had these characters arguing with each other. When I pointed this out to her, she told me to keep quite about it, or I would be booted out.  So, I promptly left...  LOL

Thursday, 18 June 2015

The Changing Of The Guard

Everything feels like death. The Summer is cold. Entropy is setting in. Problems abound at the house I live in and that's a sign that my imminent move is taking shape in todays events. When something new has to happen, the old starts to fall apart in advance. By the time this force has finished you cant wait to leave the thing you cherished so deeply. Only now can I see this. There is no logic here, only an unstoppable force.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Of Hate And Happiness And A Simple Life ?

Anyone who has seen my facebook page may have seen a questionable individual on my friends list. The very inclusion of this person with their provocative user name may even cause offence to some. This individual has strong views about black and Islamic people, you could say he is full of hate. Their are very few views that I find offensive, and this person expands on the reasons for his extreme views very logically too. If someone can explain sensibly why they have extreme leanings then I must give them some time, and my respect.
   But what of hate ? This man seems very happy in his world of hate, and his daily work. His life seems quite uncomplicated. Work and hate ! I guess hate can distract you from other areas of your life ? A person who hates is often very honest and wont play mind games with you. Honesty at this level is refreshing and simplistic. Maybe I yearn for the days when I had simple uncompromising views ?
  Sometimes a person of extreme views is just the polar opposite of another negative force. After all opposites must exist. You cant damn anyone for being at either end of the spectrum. If you hold a view, at what point would you call a halt to it if it was increased in intensity ? At what point would you shout STOP ? Is there a " stopping place " ?  How far should we lean ?

Monday, 15 June 2015

Its Happening Again

Purple Clover's photo. 
Its been a bad week online. Ive had serious trouble even getting online, then my favourite blog seems to have been deleted. In fact all this persons blogs have disappeared again. Next I find a facebook discussion group I enjoy is run by a woman with several fake accounts. These " characters " argue amongst themselves and with other members. When I pointed this out I was threatened with expulsion, so I left. Lifes to short for that shit. Its strange this summer is turning out the same as the last one, and I never saw it coming...