Monday, 6 October 2014

A fine observation !

" Mass is a magical ceremony performed with the object of endowing a material substance with divine virtue; but there is no material difference between the consecrated and non consecrated wafer. Yet there is an enormous difference in the moral reaction upon the communicant. Recognising that its principal sacrament is only one of many of an infinite number of possible experiments in talismanic magic, the Church has never denied the reality of the Art, but treated its exponents as rivals. She dares not lop the branch on which she sits !!! "

Moonchild / A. Crowley

Ive had arguments on other blogs with people much more articulate than me about these things, but here I have the winning quote. Its the above example that's the reason so many Christians get all hot and bothered on some blogs. They scream faith as the be and end all, thus losing the argument as they unintentionally prove that its all about perceptions. And how can any ones perceptions be proved wrong ? Ive posted before that the mystical and occult and religions must all be treated as the same, but  we live in a hypocritical world.

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