Its probably a direct cause of the full moon, but tonight Im thinking about all the people who have moved me so far in life, and wondering just how they've viewed me in the past. These people were not great examples of morality or conventional types. A long running theme of corruption ran through them. Maybe it was their free spirit I fell for ? Well if you don't have a free spirit whats the point of it all ? Nothing was ever consummated in these friendships. and I was always left high and dry. But that happens to everyone anyway, consummated or not though doesn't it !!!
Im hungry. What I need to sustain me is rare as Ive waffled on before. Yes, when I find what I need it starts eat at me until the very ground beneath me is eroded away and I find my balance toppled. So to re-cap; that which I desire destroys me, and without it life is not complete. This process is a powerful one that lasts for years. As you can see from my blogging history Im a consistent bugger ! I am who I am and things are changeable.
I sometimes think I create situations of uncomfortableness as a distraction, but from what exactly ? Ive chased dreams. Ive lived alright, even though ive never travelled far. There is one constant theme that's run through the years and that is I cannot hold onto that which I find of value. Thats the joke of life. I have only been like this for 5 years though. It feels like a life time though. I cant remember much about how life felt before. My experiences ran in tandem with the pace of changes that life normally moves at, so going back is impossible. Just where the hell have I drifted too ??? Well ive drifted to parenthood. This is not a get out of jail card for free though.
Funnily things can be divided into what Ive fought for and that which came to me,or returned to me, or what I stumble upon. Fighting against the tide is no fun for long. Growing up I found myself constantly wanting to bond with my Sister or play together, but we never agreed on much as children ( and still don't ) Some search for females that compensate for their mothers short comings. Maybe I do the same but in a sibling non consummating way ? It a thought, and quite a deep one, but we ramblers have to get to the bottom of our " shit " or we aren't gonna find many happy endings. If you are reading this blog then I guess like most people you have baggage, and will be relating to what I say.