Wednesday, 30 April 2014


And who owns Britain's well named National Lottery company Camelot ?  Yes, really...

Monday, 28 April 2014

Its that time of year again...

Aliester Crowley said we are not entirely at the mercy of anything in heaven or on earth, unless we wish ourselves to be. We should all meditate on that statement. I am...   : )

Sunday, 27 April 2014

The number 7 in the U.K housing market / Homage to Blavatsky

" The number of first time house buyers in the U.K has risen to the highest number for 7 years , the last time this happened was back in 2007....the deposit now required for a mortgage has risen recently to 77% of the annual average wage in the U.K  . This figure has risen today by £7,758....   "

Source: The Daily Telegraph

This is a remarkable example of the number 7 being present in the national obsession of housing .I was quite taken a back when I found this , though not really surprised if that makes any sense ?

Thursday, 17 April 2014

The Vernal Equinox

Spring is a time of death . As Ive said before , things evaporate . The ever increasing sun light penetrates the minds dark corners , bleaching out any mystery for a while . This is as corrosive as acid . Of course things will regrow next Summer , but for now its all loss...

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

A Return To Form

Its a deathly still night tonight in Dent . Not a soul stirs , though there maybe a stir of souls tonight . A very low yellow hazy moon is lighting up the diagonal vapour trails in the sky .
All is still .

Monday, 14 April 2014

" Faith is believing in what you know aint so... "  Mark  Twain


When I look at my page view stats I sometimes wonder why I continue writing this blog . It took me 2 years before I got my first comment . Yes I have regular readers , not all are public watchers either I guess ! Well thats my take on my stats... No, I have to remind myself that this blog was always a labour of love . It satisfies my need to share this strange path ive been on a while . I write out of passion . If the passion goes from these subjects I will stop writing . Of course my worst confidence wrecker is wondering how many readers really believe what I write as I often view my posts through the eyes of a first time reader, and yes sometimes I dont sound so convincing or likely . Thats why I like to read books about mystical and occult subjects as they remind me what I believe is not so strange a proposition . We all need a confidence booster now and again .

Sunday, 13 April 2014

I have just returned from a most beautiful moonlight drive to get some petrol from Killington Services . As I returned through the back lanes the moon light light up the reservoir up in a mass of silver ripples , meanwhile the various islands of pine trees were silhouetted black with further silver moon light water behind them . I guarantee their is a no more beautiful  Motorway Service Station anywhere in England tonight . Like ive said so may times before ; hidden treasure !!!

I have also started reading a rather topical book I ordered a few days before I learnt of the Medium incident . More on that tomorrow night...

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Is Blogging Worthwhile ?

"  Everyone interprets everything in his own experience . If you say anything which does not touch a precisely similar spot in another man , he either misunderstands you or worse doesn't understand you at all "    Aliestair Crowley   

This quote came to mind after an altercation with Soul Wreckage . What is the point of trying to change anothers mind about a subject they are passionate about ? By all means we should blog our opinions for others to laugh at / dismiss or mull over , but to aggressively try and rock others from their personal  beliefs is a silly waste of time . Its all subjective !


I think the worst thing though is the suggestion that I don't live what I preach . I couldn't have lived it more . As Dion Fortune said for a belief or way of life to be valid it must be of worth and use during a crisis . It was . It worked for me in the same way as Christianity does for others . The truth is it is the same . The results come from within , you choose the meaningful props . Bingo !

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

"  There are states of consciousness which transcend the normal , and when these states prevail , we can discern forms of existence with which we normally have no contact... "   Dion Fortune

Monday, 7 April 2014

Not Big . Not Clever

Naming your new child after a character in the Bible is becoming increasingly popular . I know several people who have gone down this bizarre road . Of course many name their children after favourite films , books or sports personality's , so where is the problem then ? Well funnily I find using Bible names to be close to blasphemy . It just doesnt seem right or respectful . Maybe its reducing the scriptures to a form of entertainment from which to draw baby names from . I feel this is wrong . Stick to choosing names from trivial things like books , films and T.V shows .
    Of course I wonder at peoples motives for choosing Bible names . Are they trying to get some of the " magic " of the Holy Spirit to rub off on them ? They are playing a very dangerous game . Of course they probably dont even think that deeply about this . More's the pity too . I often write about the power of associating ones outlook with Archetypal characters , and of course Occult ideas tell us of the power they posses . Is this what they are trying to achieve ( subconsciously )  when naming their child ? I feel its a little elitist and arrogant using Bible names on your offspring . No I dont like it at all . Who knows what you have unleashed . Images and legends have power . Fact . Be careful what you associate with . There are certain Biblical things I wont name on here, and thats just a casual association , to name my child after such things would have me quaking in my boots !

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Water Through A Sieve

Occasionally I go through periods when I find it too hard to decide on an outlook . Im not sure how or in which order to view a sequence of events . Do I group them into order of importance ? Do I put them in chronological order as a time line ? Or do I carefully examine each one and look for flaws and then arrange them as the most certain first , and so on ? This is my problem . Im cursed as I cant hold any idea mentally as the tide of my mind ebbs and flows . Can I reduce situations to one emotion as emotions are often unreliable . Only for a split second do I see the true essence of a situation before the water instantly muddies again . This is how it feels to be me . How do people exist with a " mindset " ?  I cant hold one for a second .

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Ive just caught the sound of the Shipping Forecast music on Radio 4 and there is a growing moon . Old times indeed . Sharp cracks and taps in the attic too , hence this little gem popped into my head ....

 The situations in life we find unacceptable , are actually quite normal . This doesnt however mean we should just accept them though .

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

And Just As I Go To Bed I Find...

The most merciful thing in the world , I think , is the inability of the human mind to correlate all of its contents . We live on a placid Island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity , and it was not meant we should voyage far . The sciences , each straining in its own direction , have hitherto harmed us little ; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality , and our frightful position therein , that we shall either go mad from the revelation of flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age . "

H.P Lovecraft , The Call of Cthulhu

Eyes Shut Tight

The below photograph is starting to get to me . I will be honest here , I haven't really dealt with it properly yet . Its been nearly 2 years . I daren't look at it to long as there is no rational way round it . A woman in a white shoal , white shoes and a bright pink dress , her arms folded defiantly staring directly at me . Sometimes I tell myself she was posing for someone behind me higher up the hill taking a photograph , but she wasn't there when I took mine . I was tired that night as Id just arrived after a long drive , but I would have seen a woman in bright pink . This photo is nightmarish as it leaves me no choice but accept it is the unseen captured . She or it knew I was coming . Tonight every part of me wants to return .