Thursday, 13 September 2012

One to watch out for.....

I must admit i have had some odd moments by the sea around a full moon . I have seen some very strange people behaving erratically , nay even mysteriously ! ( always women ) and Scotland was the scene this year . Even a very level headed friend spotted how odd  the scene  was watching was  i was watching .  I smiled a knowing smile...  Each time this happens  i have sensed something is wrong or just not right about  some sights ive seen   . How can i explain how it feels ? Well Ive summed it up . When i was in Cornwall at Port Issac the BBC was filming DOC MARTIN on a raised veranda outside a pub . It was a crowd scene . As i watched from a distance it just didn't look real . Too perfect and the crowd didn't move naturally as it was all actors trying to act " natural " This aroused my suspicions and instincts and tested my perception . You can tell when a happening doesn't ring true or just ain't from or caused by natural events because its subtlety wrong or even ridiculously personal , maybe embarrassingly so . So keep an eye out for  " actor's " playing their part . A thrilling experience and quite rare ... Thank goodness as all sanity may be lost   Am i joking ?  Those who know will know as they say.......

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