Saturday, 18 August 2012

August again

Every August i can remember there has been a personal crises happening to me or those near me . Wether its the summer drawing to a close i dont know but an event always crushes me for a while and this year is no different . Nothing serious just a personal soul searching phase . Maybe im using an conventional  tool  to do a maverick job . Unlike me isnt it ? Maybe i need a more wilder chaotic measuring device which might leave me happier . Like for like will work.... Ive forgotten some situations are fragile when put under scrutiny and are best left un annilized to roam as they want as i have a weakness to take all personaly and throw the baby out with the dish water

Do nothing day

What a day . Hot , wet , drizzely . A give up day . No moon at all , dreary slack tide do nothing day . Dont make any effort to achieve anything today as it will be wasted . We get everything we want but the time scale is far longer than we plan thats all . As long as we make a start thats the key and always the hardest part . Am i sounding too opportunistic ?!

Sunday, 12 August 2012


" The sun shall not smite thee , nor the moon by night ! "      121


And know i play the waiting game .... FAMILY GUY

When in Rome

Well how fast the tide turns . Nights are now moon light mostly and most welcome it is . Va va vooom !
  A friend of the family has returned from a holiday in Cornwall also with a bizarre tale to tell about a full moon week .... At least I'm not the only one !!!  A full moon week down there is not to be taken lightly as once certain experiences have been had without your permission you can feel forced to see things in a new light . At first its disturbing , eventually a new path if ya want that kinda thing.....  And a year later you will look back with great affection at your " first "  " experience ! "   Its a funny road but it would have been anyway.... wouldnt it ?

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Quote of truth...

" The power of love is harder to sustain by far than the easy brutal power of pain !  "

Monday, 6 August 2012

What else can i say ?

Surely the biggest luxury is to be able to switch off . I guess thats what drugs and alcohol is made for , niether of which i partake in for many reasons , some historic , some moral , some based on out right fear !!!!
  The nights are pulling in again arent they ? And there are gonna be looong dull evenings doing not much but there are looong light evenings not doing much now so i guess its all perception ; the day light ours equaling more  " pleasure " . Work seems to make me the happiest at the moment and weekends drag ......   Facebook isnt the fun it once was . Comments dry up as people drift along to new times . Well it was fun once !!!  
  Having my mind blown by my new Dion Fortune / Gareth Knight book especialy learnig about coicedences . Mmmmmm   mentaly unbalancing even .....

Sunday, 5 August 2012

From memory...

" So it is possible to change your life but whether your happy with your new found achievements is a totally different question.... "     Dion Fortune       Very true . How often have we gone hell for leather employing all methods available to achieve a goal only to stall at taking advantage of the thing we have now gained . WHY ? Did we want it ?   She hits the nail on the head in an of the cuff comment very casually . Yes i treasure her and wish she was here now to talk too....

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

And it starts again... der nan an der na ....

Finally the moon has become visable and all is well . Spluttering to a start again . Its been a long while , months in fact . Got some good quotes from D.F  that made me really smile coming soooon  ....