Monday, 30 July 2012

New intro...

So my GOLDEN BLOG has been rambling on a fair while now and you maybe wondering just what its all about . Some think its a joke or a wind up and its all tongue in cheek . 90% of the time its straight talking about the things in life which arent and cant be looked at straight or true  . Its my journey sometimes highly edited cos it would blow my reputation for being sane but for those on a simular wave lenght they will give me a knowing nod cos ive seen and learnt things to test my previous view of " life " . One day i might write a book about my basic esoteric adventure but it would have to be published after my prime has passed ... enjoy what i dare disclose . Maybe i should make another blog anomiusly with an un edited content with  no link to fb . Who would find it , those who were meant too !!! Now i like the sound of that its so how life has been these last three years .....

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