Hah ha ! I'm booking a holiday in Tintagel again this year as a last minute change of plan has ambushed me ! Oh dear i can hear the groans of he's gonna loose the plot this time down there ( or fall of a cliff ) and you might be right . Again as last year life is as unpredictable as ever. Things have worked out well but storm clouds may be gathering . ( aren't they always ? )
The last time i visited Cornwall i fled home under a huge full moon . A very trying time indeed , but a true friend was there for me just as i needed them . In fact today's life was shaped by that strange week . And everything important to began to grow from that experience .
Again a sad unexpected death has occurred localy of a person i saw on a regular basis .Last spring the same occurred ! I have a very strong feeling of de-javu . A cold Spring wind is blowing from the North in more ways than one !!! Early Summer can not be held back much longer and neither can i !!!!
Walking and exploring will be high on my agenda . Sometimes on my own i expect . Its amazing the things you experience down there on your own . A new world opens up before you , even if you only realise it when you have got home ! What an irony that is .... The coast is not a safe place though and i have seen people slip (me included ) and it suprises me more people arent killed falling into the sea . A very real danger we just dismiss ! As you get older you over estimate your ability . Just when was it that your co-ordination didnt match what it used to be ? No im not as agile as i was and had a false sense of my own safety . This is how accidents happen . At least i'm aware of it now , but exactly when the change took place i'm scared to reckon .
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