Wednesday, 31 January 2024

Guess Which Singer The Police DIDN’T Arrest 👀

WTF ?   Welcome to London. The authorities are goading us by slowly destroying our identity, culture and sexuality. All authority destroys. Its like an unstoppable avalanche of madness. 

Monday, 29 January 2024

A slice of America !

Sunday was a breath of fresh air as we visited our old nieghbour who used to live in the manor house next door. She has moved an hour and a half away to a nice 3 bedroom on the outskirts of Preston. She has no water problems or leaking roofs now. We had dinner at a very good  American style restaurant too. It also put a smile on my face seeing this car outside. The only good " trans " as in Trans

Friday, 26 January 2024

Patrick Melrose ep. 5 Nicholas's rant over psychoanalysis

Having only caught the final few episodes of this wonderful and bleak series I am going to try and watch the missing ones. Ive never seen anything like it.

Sunday, 21 January 2024

 Feeling world weary tonight, but the sound of a storm blowing in the tree tops every January NEVER gets old.

Saturday, 13 January 2024

Cloud seeding ?

Here are some suspicious vapour trails. Ive seen them before. They dont fade away, just start budding small clouds which eventually break away.
I take time to make up my mind on these type of subjects, but this is another instance that pushes me nearer to believing.