Sounds ridiculas, but two incidents have happened this week that seem to be linked to an earlier one. Often as I am laid in bed I feel something touch or rather brush against my leg in very gentle movement. It feels very much like static. This has been going on for months and I remember my mother telling me she had experienced the same thing years ago when she lived in this house. She now utterly denies that this ever happened to her oddly.
It was only this week though that two incidents pointed towards the cat suggestion and both occurred around 4am. Firstly as I walked past my daughters bedroom door I heard several rustling noises and on entering found her large cat poster had fallen off the wall. In all I heard 4 noises between getting out of bed and opening her door. It sounded like something was moving the poster around more than a simple slip off the wall. It sounded deliberate which caused me to get up to investigate.
Things got odd again when going down stairs to the kitchen at 4am a few nights later. I saw a birthday card of my daughters just drop from a shelf. When I picked it up it had a photo of a cat on the front. It wasnt until next morning that I made any connection though.
Im not sure how serious I am about the above title but there does seem to be a connection. Another angle I have is that it is not a cat but the word cat is being used to draw my attention to the name Catherine as in Wuthering Heights ? I wrote at Christmas about how that name magically appeared in the middle of a zoom carol service lyric subtitles. It seems also that an adaptation of the novel maybe due to be filmed nearby soon so I hear. So pick your angle at will i guess. As ever its all a mystery here...