Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Give me a bit of little volume on this...

Feeling more than a little excitable listening to this CD on a  moon light night. Sounds so much better on my Hi Fi. That's the way music used to be played and should be played. Enjoying the music without the original driver this time...

Sunday, 25 October 2020

My new blog !

Due to my impatience im starting this blog tonight. Call it the " build up " to December, but after all Winter starts here does it not ? Well the mindset does for me...

Saturday, 24 October 2020

Dreaded December !

I am seriously considering creating a new blog that captures my thoughts and feelings about the month of December. A month I find very hard due to the darkness and dreaded seasonal disorder. I think I will find it useful to look back on after the Christmas period and evaluate exactly what my problem is here. Its the final decent of the years energy and will hit rock bottom before rising in early January. I suspect it will be a mixture of poems, observations and music so it shouldn't be too over bearing. I also think I am going to make a point of the dates at which I post so as to make a time line of sorts. By December I may not have the energy ironically...lol But I shall try ! I shall try and work on some photos too, yes that's a good idea.

Sunday, 18 October 2020

Gigi D'Agostino - La Marche Electronique ( Tecno Fes 1 )

Lets step back in time ( im in the mood )

A magical song that will bulldoze any unwanted situation or persons away...

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

From where exactly ?

And the mysteriously appearing chipping scenario very nearly destroyed my cars engine  ! Things have come to a head this week when I reached for a plastic beaker I had used just the day before. I intended to place the beaker over an intake pipe when working on my car to prevent foreign objects falling into and destroying the turbo. You know, just to be safe. It was at this point I noticed a large chipping as big as my  finger nail was in the beaker. How it got in there during the last 24 hours I don't know. I do however know that if not spotted it would have dropped neatly into my engine and most likely destroyed it, and written off my car. It just felt so deliberate, the whole sorry incident. Maybe im looking to much into this, but after other incidents this seems to be part of a reoccurring picture.
  This is not a one off occurrence. A similar sized chipping appeared in my newly washed  pocket recently. I cannot explain this at all. In the past I have been plagued with very tiny chippings falling in the house out of thin air and in my garden shed, or out of the tree that over hangs it. I tend to collect these just to reassure myself they are real..lol
  Again this week things took a more serious turn when I cleaned out my cars brakes and found a lump chipped from the brake caliper pistons, including the starting of a crack which would have led to brake failure. A mechanic  thought a small stone or chipping had become jammed in there but that is almost impossible due to the piston being hidden. Upon refitting the car wheel after the repair a large chipping was balance in the alloy wheel rim defying gravity as it would have dropped out as the wheel was upside down when I picked it up. How did it get in there in those few seconds ? Why did it not drop out ? Its just getting way beyond a coincidence now.
  These troublesome chippings are getting much larger suddenly and more threatening. I would welcome back the old pitter patter of the sound of the falling ones anyday.  Equally worrying is self locker nuts and bolts unwinding themselves around here, but that's another story....

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Hurry, Autumns coming !


This one always makes me laugh... and i watch it each year with my daughter. So much truth here, especially in the UK. However if i miss that window of opportunity to do a job it gets ever harder to do it as the tale end of the year gets nearer. This isnt soley down to the rain and dark either, but seems to amount to more like a running out of energy and a steady entropy that prevents progress being made. A kind of double whammy as such. By December  i find that to  try and repair anything becomes impossible and should be left until the energies of January enable me to progress again. A dead zone then. Worst thing is though that i get a growing impulse to tackle more jobs as the darkness grows ( this peaks at Christmas ) Its a stupid ever decreasing circle and a destructive habit im trying to break. 

P. S   Strange but true fact : My grandparents used to receive visits from the Mr Men creator Roger Hargreaves when i was a child. I only just remembered this recently. I think this is why i have such a soft spot for these characters ! That and i know people who remind me of them..lol

Sunday, 4 October 2020

This has been a while coming...

 Everything ive written on here has been leading up to this moment. These past happenings have been symptoms of a coming truth, and that truth when spoken or written just sounds like madness. And here is the problem with the future of this blog. The things i have to report are going to sound unreal or made up unless you already know the truth , in which  case you will find these new awareness's seem passe.

I wrote in my last post about how my body was moved when i surrendered to an unseen static force. As of this weekend this force has been moving my arm in an out stretched manor  ( no pun intended ) and pointing toward a large manor house next door. This has happened twice today. As you may already know this house is highly likely to be the inspiration behind the novel Wuthering Heights. As an experiment and to test for triggers i let my mind focus on key names in the novel. Of several there was only one that produced a force to move my arm and that was the name Earnshaw. Even more strangely the person who owns the house told me she was currently using a solicitor with the same surname ! 

So it appears i am channeling a force that responds to the name Earnshaw and that the house next door should be high on my list of attentions right now. Is this entity a product of the novel ? Is this someone from the past on whom the novels character was based ? Am i deluding myself into these movements ? They feel very static based and happen in slow jerky movements. Once my arm has pointed it returns slowly to my side and them ceases to feel anything odd. I would like to say im stood upright when this happens ( so much more dramatic ) but i am lying in bed in a relaxed state. Should i even be writing about this ?