Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Creepy ginger Jesus ?

Today on holiday i visited what is thought to be the first Church built in Scotland by Saint Columba. On an upstairs balcony is a rather " interesting " painting of Jesus. A creepy ginger and wearing a Jewish type cap Jesus ?! Only today after several years of visiting this church have i noticed something else unsettling. Mainly that Jesus is on the outside the cave or tomb, and we the viewer appear to be on the inside. Its not the best of photo's and doesnt capture the strange almost feminine appearance of his eyes. Why this painting hasnt been thrown out i dont know, but its been  stashed up there for years !

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

The Virus Knot

If i wear a mask i am seen as good
If i dont wear a mask i am seen as bad
If i dont wear a mask im seen as having the virus
If i do wear a mask im seen as having the virus

If i dont have the virus im seen as good
If i have the virus but dont wear a mask i am seen as bad
If i have the virus but wear a mask i am seen as good

If others think i have the virus im seen as bad
If others think i dont have the virus, but i do, im seen as good

If i think i may have the virus but choose not to wear a mask im seen as bad
If i think i may have the virus and choose to wear a mask im seen as good.
If i think i do not have the virus, and choose not to wear a mask, i am seen as BAD.

In the spirit of R D Laing's KNOTS