Saturday, 25 January 2020

No, Yes, Perhaps ?

Sometimes i get it wrong. Sometimes I'm way to quick to put a " mysterious " event down to the supernatural or unknown forces. This has been brought really home to me recently while posting last night on Face book about a rattling noise at my window. There was a time in the past when a room and hallway was filled one night in an unexplained way by wooden floor boards rattling and knocking in the walls and attic. And it was that event that haunts me today, and causes me to jump to the same conclusion  every time I i hear a similar noise or knock in this house. It turns out a rat was more than likely responsible as i heard one chewing somewhere in the same room today. I have a neighbour who will view that news  as ever more worrying, but that's quite another
  This idea of an original experience tainting and causing us to mis read future events was also echoed oddly in a program i watched about UFO's this afternoon. The shows team visited a man who showed them quickly two " UFO's " which were immediately debunked as house lights through the trees. How could a man be so gullible ? Eventually hypnosis revealed he believed he had been abducted as a teenager, or so he believed. So a nut case then ? Only when the team themselves saw lights did they suddenly have to back track and say he may have a point that something odd was going on.
   It is so easy to see " spooks " at every turn once your mindset has been, er... set. I remember watching something on line about Boleskine house on the shore of Scotlands Loch Ness. This house was famously bought for magick experiments by Aliester Crowley. The present owner was not a believer in the occult but said the " house does a rather good job of rising to peoples expectations " Its  not so simple as true or false.
  This draws me to the saying  "grinding the wheat from the chaff "  We cant write off a debunked example from a person ,or let it corrupt every example they give. We must grind the corn for our selves !

Friday, 3 January 2020

What man is this ? !

Tonight i was visited by a impostor ?  Click bait as they say... Well not quite, but by a friend who has become a cartoon character who is bereft of any sincere emotion. Any questions i ask him in conversation are answered with catch phrases. His view points are glib, and lacking any sense on intensity, even when the subject of safety arises...even and especially when it concerns children. 
   A classic example of this out look was the booking of a holiday to a North African country against current government advice. A country where tourists were only a couple of years ago massacred in a targeted attack on a beach. You probably remember the attack. So yes, why not book a family holiday and joke about the attacks risk of happening again ? I was gob smacked, much to his amusement. He even thought he was clever risking all on a dangerous holiday. After all " it could happen anywhere "
   The man has also become a risk taker, financially as well. Its as though he is trying to tempt disaster. Every move he makes is foolish ,and that's strange for a once " safe pair of hands "
  Worst of all is the flaccid, dismissive tone that's rained down on any suggestion he may want to think again about an action he's taking. Underneath that original man is smothered, somewhere. All I'm see tonight is a fool. A silly mood that's stuck and become a ego in its own right. A daft facial expression that should have been temporary, but has stuck.