Thursday, 26 May 2016


Life is soulless and I need to figure out why. I'm not happy. The very dale I live in feels empty. This is not the dale I grew up in anymore. I am in the process of figuring out why. I shall be uneasy till the day I die. It will always be this way. Going to bed, I'm tired and ready for a holiday.

Sunday, 22 May 2016

What have we done !

Ive had quite a shock this weekend. I made a post on fb about how disturbing I found a one armed weather girl. I explained that the fact she made no attempt to wear any prosthetic arm as an attempt to sensationalise and shock viewers. Of course the abuse I got was rather expected if truth be told as people in general jump the gun on such subjects without thinking. What upset me most was the abuse I got from several members of my own family.
   The aggression was instantaneous. It was already primed and ready to explode. It was out of control. A premeditated brain washing has occurred among those we know making them value alien values or social groups above that of their own. They have a powerful allegiance to foreign sexualities and mindsets and races. They will not question these people and will crucify anyone who mutters anything that might sound even remotely cynical about them or critical. These people seem to have substituted the cause of people alien to them for their own moral examination. I guess its easier to focus on anothers problems rather than whats going on in your " back yard ".
   Over the past 20 years the next generation have been brainwashed by the liberal into accepting anything that has a connection to minority values and sexualities. Schools have been chiefly to blame here I believe and this mind set cannot be undone. I hate it. I really do. Since when would family member's be abusive to me straight out of the box over a non personal face book post I made ? I am shocked at how people have changed secretly inside and how far from traditional perceptions they have strayed. It truly is a sad day when people are more bothered about fighting anothers corner rather than their own.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Monday, 2 May 2016

Some kinda anything

I have little interest in anything at the moment. Anything that come out of my mouth is preceded by a hesitation or stutter. I cant hardly be bothered to take in enough breath to project my voice. Anything I say is trivial and of the moment. I keep controversial thoughts to myself and just let the moment pass. Im tired and ready for a holiday. The first fore runners of Spring are clambering over the ramparts.