Sunday, 29 November 2015

The Contradiction

Image result for angel devil imagesSo what of a man who starts off his life in an EVIL way ? Suddenly he turns to GOOD. This is often in a complete and utter transformation. The man who STARTS off life living good is corrupted by evil, but still his good works continue. in a strange duality. In this respect good seems CONQUER complete evil, but evil can live alongside good, corrupting it, but NOT killing it entirely. It is this contradiction that people hate the most.

Friday, 27 November 2015

The Tor Strikes Again ?

 Yesterday I got a distinct feeling of deja- vu. The day was exceptionally mild, misty and spring like. Even the Jackdaws were attempting to nest, and its now November ! We have a full moon at the moment as well... A joyous atmosphere seemed to be hanging over our valley. In the morning Glastonbury Tor was mentioned on the radio...Yes, all this has happened before last winter. The EXACT same strange sequence of events. Its a strange mix I'm not likely to forget.
  So does Glastonbury Tor emit moods across England ? Can it affect atmospheres, both for " good " or as many claim " bad " ? I believe so. Today was a positive example. Would I notice a negative one ?

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

The New Nature Of The Catastrophy

I have recently suffered a financial temporary collapse. It is complete and profound. It is the result of an event passing over me that is not natural. How do I know this ? Because it is a joint result of several causes of sources of mistakes. Firstly there was my mistake, forgetting to cancel a payment, secondly another payment that I had cancelled but was still taken out of my bank by an organisation- someone elses mistake. And lastly a credit card I need to use due to the previous cock-ups didn't work temporally - chance. All these incidents aligned - My mistake - Anothers mistake - And chance . This symbolises an event or mood event. Logic can not tackle this. Time will see it blow over.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Handel: Air and Variations (The Harmonious Blacksmith)

Turns out that the random sheet of music was Handels Air. Very apt, as the element of air was very much evident as the weeks leading up to my house move saw much bumping into each other, and dropping and knocking over of objects, often on a daily basis. It has been a trying month...

Sunday, 8 November 2015

A Beautiful Pianist Calls !

I haven't had much to write about recently, but last night has changed all that. Due to our annual family fire bonfire, some relations and their friends were visiting. Afterwards we came inside for drinks.. It was then that a dark haired and rather striking stranger suddenly started playing my parents piano.  They had left it behind during the recent move. She started to play a very dark and complex melody, and so competent was she that I thought she must know the piece from heart, after all I had never heard my Mother play this music. Maybe it was from a teen film sound track ? I was more surprised when it turned out that the music was being played from on a sheet, propped on the piano lid. Not a bad attempt at a first play of such a complex melody. It was a surreal moment as the dark music filled the room of visitors. How long had that piece of music sat there waiting for someone of a higher enough calibre to perform it, or let it manifest ? All in all an intoxicating experience judging by the glances around the crowd that were suddenly an its audience

Friday, 6 November 2015

Just the way it is....

I am beginning to believe that inanimate objects are connected, how otherwise do they develop the same faults in synchronicity ? For example we have 2 landrovers that both developed dodgey fuel gauges at the same time... Wheel trouble is another synchronicity that occurs. Why these things happen in groups of objects we don't know. One day we will, but today, or for now it doesn't matter, it just is. Period.

Monday, 2 November 2015

The Colour Purple

Once again the Merlins of the media have decided to thrust PURPLE upon us. This colour is once again springing up in TV adverts and TV studio prop set and back grounds. It is also being used on product packaging again. It is definitely in vogue again as ive seen before in the Winter months before Christmas. Look out for it, and you may be surprised just how much its being squeezed into our perception. It a Winter thing.