Monday, 28 September 2015

Equestria Girls : Sunset Shimmer's Transformation

Im the first to admit that this transformation sequence is quite hard core. Is it taken from a Manga adult animation ? Why, no. This is the latest My Little Pony offering. Mmmm... Things turn even deeper when an alternative dimension is is shown to be accessible through a mirror that is used as a " portal " . The " angels " fight the " demons " . Sometimes childrens TV programs contain more truth than first meets the eye.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Is The Countryside Dying ?

Now I don't say this at all lightly, or flippantly, but I have come to the conclusion that there is a great stillness that has descended upon the county I live in. It is a phenomenon that of course is most noticeable locally. A classic example is the village In which I live . Sunday morning saw not a noise anywhere, bar the odd car and they were few and far between. No strimmers, quad bikes or farm animals making any noise either. No children playing noisily on the playground, not even on a Sunday morning !!. For long lengths of time you can walk round our village and not see a soul. Its  as though everyone has just disappeared. What are they doing ? Where are the noises of  human activity ? All feels dead, and not in a nice way. The life  force seems to have drained from everything.
   I recently visited a busy annual livestock sale. It was busy, but noise wise quiet, almost smothered. The usual buzzing atmosphere had simply gone. The next town to my village, although larger is just the same. So quiet. Do people not do anything anymore ? A friend suggested that more houses are owned by people who commute, and are away at work during the week and out all weekend... This maybe contributing to this uneasy quietness that's hanging over everywhere like a spell. As Ive lived in the same area all my life, I notice all the subtle changes in atmosphere...

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Are We Rewarded For Good Works ?


Stevie Ba's photo.Suddenly charity didn't seem like such a good idea... The world owes YOU and ME no mercy. It is of course a reflection of our own lives, which contrary to what you think, are dangerously, nay perilously in the balance, with NO safety net. Go abroad to such places and you double your risk. This is a classic example. The universe will not REWARD you for acts of charity. It will not buy you a get out of jail card during trouble. There is no guiding hand to save you. Maybe the way of Tao rules. Let all continue as it is. try to change it at your peril... The world is not a play ground. We romanticise others suffering so we can delude ourselves that we can change it. We cant. It just is. Such people search for an over simplified idea of charity. Not all people or cultures are equal. Not all places are England. Best stop at home and care for your friends and family ! Sorry , but you know in right...


Tuesday, 8 September 2015

The Prodigy - Skylined (Remastered)

"   In the mean time I had my dream of moon-magic and sea palaces, and day by day I lived in another dimension where I had that which I knew I could never have on earth, and I was very happy... "  Dion Fortune   

This paragraph, if you read it carefully describes best this blog, and the times I lived once.

Saturday, 5 September 2015

In a quiet mood at the moment. Im currently re-reading a book by Dion Fortune, slowly and methodically this time. The idea is that im looking back retrospectively at my last few years experiences, and asking myself whether a party has actively been cultivating my distress by using a certain situation as a tool against me. Apparently a person could even do this without realising... Im hoping to find out why ive suffered so much. I know what ive been through, but not why ?