Friday, 28 August 2015

9 of 81, Poems from the Tao

I have come to a growing awareness of death around me, and the cycle of new life, and all in a very personal none new age fluffy way too ( don't worry )  This excerpt is based on water, a substance that never stops annoying me. Its latest trick is to run at short bursts from a firmly turn off tap ! This is not limited to just my house either. Water is unstoppable, so is death and life. I don't matter, or rather the world cares not for my existence. It owes me no favours and will give none. The Tao calls chaos order, and maybe it is ? To be continued...

So Simple

Twiztid Los & Lettes's photo.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Facebook is a portal to people youve never met, and those you have met, but no longer see. Then there is the everyday...In this sense it manipulates reality and brings into your life old and new otherwise impossible new mindsets. The definition of magick is to cause something to happen that otherwise would not have...

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Gigi D'Agostino - Nowhere Land ( Underconstruction 3 )

I remember listening to this album one Christmas. I was filled with emotion, emotion that was a seasonal Winter over load. I was aware of each separate snow flake falling, the crystal clarity of the air on frosty nights, and the white silver of the moons colour. The blackness of the nights was so severe, and I could feel the power of Winters grip. Being the Winter Solstice it was of course a tipping point that didn't last long. Come January the days brightened. Of course looking back now I was in the grip of something I haven't got today, a product of a highly aroused mind set. I was on an emotional octane booster. Sometimes I miss that state as It was a different reality to everyone else around me. This is where ive the grip of an entity, and without a choice either.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Holy Light ?

This week Ive been on holiday on the North East coast. I decided to take an opportunity to visit the Holy Island known as Lindisfarne (bottom photo ) Due to the fact that the tide cuts off the access road for 6 hours at a time, my visit was brief. Owing to my young daughter I couldn't make the one mile walk to the castle, but I plan to in the future. Despite the fleeting visit, I noticed something very peculiar about the light that falls on this area. In fact it reminded me of the light that falls on the countryside that surrounds Glastonbury Tor ( top photo ) Basically even though the sun maybe over head, and the sky cloudless, the light has a tinted look to it, and shadows cloak the land, though no
obstacles or big hills are present. Once you leave said areas then the sunlight becomes brilliant and penetrating once again. This phenomenon gives such areas a gloomy atmosphere, maybe even a little tense. The land appears a dirty mauve colour. At first I thought it was my imagination, but ive seen this happen twice at Glastonbury now. Something is corrupting the light, or diminishing it. It seems to be prevalent at sites with a spiritual past. See my link to GLASTONBURY.

Wake Up World's photo.

Friday, 7 August 2015

The Unexpected

Sharon R Johnson's photo.
I love this picture. It is a depiction of a taboo. The overwhelming force of destruction that gets you from behind. You never see it coming though. The unexpected.


Out side my window is a disturbing melee of noise. When I specifically listen, I can make out teenagers screaming, a toddler crying, an owl hooting, a dog intermittently whining, and snatches of adult conversation. When im not listening intently these noises become just pulses of extremely worrying discord. They all sound like suffering.

The sounds apart, its a very still night. Today was my Cousins funeral. She was the same age as me...

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

The Crone !

The Crone. The Crone is the final stage of a womans life. The closing chapter. Every opportunity to point out a potential problem, or a moral ambiguity is taken and exploited to the max. She will not let one slip past. Everything becomes a problem. She amplifies every turn or item said in speech. A question becomes a crises. Everything becomes a referendum on your moral out look and awareness. You are constantly painted as unaware by her, but the irony is that a Crone has only just had her own blinkers removed, and she is in fact the one who has not yet adapted to the new sites shes percieving !