Friday, 31 July 2015

Lumberjacks Lament

Who hath not an axe to grind ?
Despite all this, trees one day fall
Wasted energy swing the shaft
 In the coming storm all labour is proved redundant
Generations regenerate new ideas
Chance dictates your timeline
Hope not you land on the harvest time
Your childrens axe, now your greatest fear...

Monday, 27 July 2015

Is This Why You Cant Find God ?

  Ive just read on online link to a piece about the Pineal Gland which is  situated  deep in our brains. Some people are pre-disposed to be able to see things with this so called " third eye ," or sense things which others around them cannot . These people along with some who have certain medical anomalies regarding the Pituitary gland can also sense thing that a normal " healthy " person can not. So while some people long to experience anything Supernatural at all, others are already pre-disposed to be constantly open to such things, whether they want to be or not !!
   Could the same be said for those who claim they have found God ? Are they subject to certain advantages that have given them a head start over the rest of us ? Maybe medical, maybe hereditary even ? I know I myself have certain advantages enabling me to sense Supernatural things, so maybe those who live with God on a daily basis, have something I presently don't ? Something I may never have ? Maybe God will never be found by some of us, and  through no fault of our own.

Friday, 24 July 2015

What Does This Say About Time ?

An Orb has recently appeared on this photograph of St Johns Church that I took 2 years ago. It is in front of the gravestone. It remains there over several photographs...The Church is near Western-Super-Mare. This year when I returned I could not find this place again, even after reverting to my sat nav. I guess a repeat visit was not meant to be. There is something disorientating about the Glastonbury area. It drives me mad.

Motley Crue Merry go Round video

Weve all had obsessions which have taken more from us than we would have liked...

Monday, 20 July 2015

The Night Is My Friend, The Day Is My Enemy ?

Sharon Claudia's photo.
I remember back in the day, sitting up into the wee small hours talking about life and the meaning of it.  Just sitting  on my parents Rayburn with a mug of tea was a nice way to end a night out, just chatting to a friend or whoever was stopping over that weekend... My conversations often strayed into strange areas and views. The later it got, the wilder the views. Big mental leaps forward seemed possible due to the more fluid, loose atmosphere. The trouble was though, that come morning all I had discussed the previous night seemed nothing but a source of embarrassment, and clumsy thinking. I sometimes woke up the next morning cringing at what i'd said the night before. Yes, the night loosens our inhibitions. What of today though ? Well I just want to get too bed !!

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Beyond My Paygrade

OK, a weird one here. The sun sets in the middle of this tree at the beginning of every June, for around one week, but it is still doing so now, on the 14th Of July !! Its position is wrong, and our seasons are 3 weeks behind this year. Is there a connection here, or am I an ass ?

Perfection is one increment from disaster...

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Of Water And Women In Pink

Well, well it doesn't take long for some strange new circumstances to arise. Two new things are worthy of a post. Today two people I know very well saw a neighbour of theirs walking on our single track road. They drove past her. Nothing unusual there, but as these two people had forgotten something they had to turn round and go back home. They did this immediately after passing our walking neighbour , on doing a u -turn they found she had vanished  ! She had not had time to go anywhere, besides its a single track road. Where did she go ? The worst part though is that they said she was uncharacteristically wearing PINK . This immediately reminded me of the woman in pink that appeared on a photo I took at Boscastle. This has rattled me.

Said neighbours husband recently bought a fresh car a while ago too. It was second hand, and a distinctive green colour. The first time I saw it a woman with curly short blond hair was driving it, so when my neighbour was driving the car a few weeks later I asked him who the woman was who he had bought the car off, as I told him I had seen her in the distinctive car before he had bought it. He replied that he had driven the car home after buying it and that no woman had ever driven the car to his home. It wasn't a local car either... I was somewhat embarrassed as he must have though I sounded like a complete lunatic ! I saw this woman in the car clearly too as I edged past her slowly on our narrow country lane. I was not mistaken.

Unfortunately this nieghbour is gravely ill at the moment and I think it may be terminal, or so its been suggested by his family. Im not sure if this has any leaning on the above events. These are worrying days. Very real and disturbing things are happening around me. Tonight a water tap switched its self on full blast, and by several turns at that, spraying my bathroom with water as I sat in the bath. Even by my standards that's an alarming water incident. I worry what this means....

Friday, 3 July 2015

For the first time in years I have no over bearing influences in my life. No one is inspiring me, or amazing me. I am not overly invested emotionally in anyone. I don't hang on anyones word at the moment. There are changes going on in those I live near or more accurately my neighbours. Big changes I shall soon write about...