Saturday, 27 June 2015

Whats yours ?

Robert Duncan's photo.

Well mine seem to be fading. I wonder what that means ? Progression ? Yes, I believe so...

Thursday, 25 June 2015

What Once Was Easy Is No More

There is a new cold sterile reality. I don't know when it started, but the days of my adolescence and childhood saw a world locally where nature thrived. How can I tell this world no longer exists ? It can simply be revealed by my brushes with nature today..
   Having become a father I decided to collect some frog spawn to grow into frogs. I thought it would be fun for my daughter, as I did the same as a child. I remember collecting the spawn on cold windy April days, then releasing the frogs in June. How did things go nowadays ? Well the tadpoles have had to be released outside, into a pond as its nearly July, and they've only developed two legs so far. The very act of rearing them seemed impossible today, but it WASNT once...something has changed ! After all its not rocket science, is it ? There is a strange atmosphere nowadays. Nature is held in high regard, but doesn't play ball to our whims. Raising those frogs was an instance of hysterical optimism. It is no longer do able. Sad, but true.
   Things are similar when it comes to growing seeds into vegetables. I plant them, they sprout, but never amount to anything, even after a full summer. The rain pounds the loose soil. 1 in 4 seeds sold in shops are infertile, so said a recent gardening survey...
   The rivers in my valley used to hold good runs of migratory fish from July to December. Today your lucky if you see any, let alone catch one on a rod. All this when the rivers have never been so policed and clean and free of pollution. The water has a clear shallow look to it and there is no atmosphere in the river, I can feel the void of any decent fish life. The act of catching a Salmon seems today like a fairytale. Something profound changed. It has a deeper link than just the environmental. I can feel and believe this somehow. Times have changed, Yes, but also in a way I have yet to fully understand. Nature, especially connected to water is barren, gone, vacant.


Monday, 22 June 2015

Mechanical Alchemy ? ( stop laughing at the back )

Having just finished reading The Alchemist, im dwelling on the idea that metals can only change their make up when a person has acquired an equivalent mental change to match. So our mindset can effect such stable things as inanimate objects then ?  I have also read in the past that people such as Madame Blavatsky believed thats all objects had a soul.In fact she was said to spend many hours taking with objects such as pebbles !! This ties in with the whole idea of Alchemy too, that ALL THINGS are connected.
   Ive had my suspicions that something can effect inanimate objects, as a certain mechanical problem can occur in several vehicles or machines over a short period of time. Ive hardly dared suggest that some force seems at work as up until now, as  ive heard no theories regarding such things. When I consider that a persons character, or mind may be responsible for some input into these " occurrences " then what I learnt in The Alchemist seems quite transferable to my experiences with things breaking. For example I am plagued with tyre and wheel problems...I have friends who also get the same specific problems with each vehicle they own. It rather become a joke in my family.
   Can an object be more than the sum of its parts ? Can a car be conscious ? Thats a running joke in my family. If a person pours a lot of effort, mental and physical into say a car, can that car benefit ? Can something extra appear beyond its mechanical make up ? Is perfection mechanical ? Or has a mental add on got to be in the mix to achieve that satisfaction all car enthusiast crave ? I believe that the way a car drives is affected in at least in some parts by our mindsets.
   A few months ago I added some seats from a sports model to my car. After 2 months I still couldnt get comfortable. This was infuriating. When I returned from a holiday recently they fitted me like a glove. I am baffled as to what had changed in that time I was away. Maybe my posture was more relaxed after a holiday ? Either way my mindset had changed an object or the way of its apparent ergonomics. In fact my whole car feels better since ive been away, and its continuing to do so, its not the novelty factor of returning to it. Some states can not be reached by physical actions alone, or even mechanical ones. This is something ive learnt over the years, and it puts me off swapping my car for a newer one. I cant be bothered to go through the whole " mechanical alchemy " malarky with another car. It can take years to attain !!!
Rarely a day goes by that CANADA isnt mentioned on our U.K television stations.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Im Not Breaking My Neck To Repay Your Debt

I find it very strange that people in general go so far out of their way, and far so long, just to fight the corner for another race or sexuality that is completely alien from their own. Of course we all have a general empathy for others, but many take this to a ridiculous level. Take for example the recent referendum on GAY marriage in Southern Ireland. Around 80% or more people voted YES  !  This is a historically deeply religious country. Maybe the NO voters felt they couldn't turn out ? And that begs the question why ?  The lions share of the population voted to desecrate their countries religious beliefs, all so they could please an alien sexuality. What other country would do that ?

The same applies for RACE.  Many people who arent black go bonkers and start long running crusades to help another race. Some in the U.S.A even disown their family heritage to join the legions of the oppressed. And they do appear oppressed . Im not debating that fact. Still such an allegiance to another race, other than their own again seems most bizarre. Some kind of physcosis must be at work, or maybe years of politically correct brain washing has finally unbalanced peoples view of  their priorities. Change anothers  priorities to align with your own and the battle is won.

Friday, 19 June 2015

Tattoos & Alibis

These song lyrics remind me of a woman I met recently on facebook. Turns out she had several false facebook profiles, some of which were on my friends list. She ran a " free speech " page which often had these characters arguing with each other. When I pointed this out to her, she told me to keep quite about it, or I would be booted out.  So, I promptly left...  LOL

Thursday, 18 June 2015

The Changing Of The Guard

Everything feels like death. The Summer is cold. Entropy is setting in. Problems abound at the house I live in and that's a sign that my imminent move is taking shape in todays events. When something new has to happen, the old starts to fall apart in advance. By the time this force has finished you cant wait to leave the thing you cherished so deeply. Only now can I see this. There is no logic here, only an unstoppable force.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Of Hate And Happiness And A Simple Life ?

Anyone who has seen my facebook page may have seen a questionable individual on my friends list. The very inclusion of this person with their provocative user name may even cause offence to some. This individual has strong views about black and Islamic people, you could say he is full of hate. Their are very few views that I find offensive, and this person expands on the reasons for his extreme views very logically too. If someone can explain sensibly why they have extreme leanings then I must give them some time, and my respect.
   But what of hate ? This man seems very happy in his world of hate, and his daily work. His life seems quite uncomplicated. Work and hate ! I guess hate can distract you from other areas of your life ? A person who hates is often very honest and wont play mind games with you. Honesty at this level is refreshing and simplistic. Maybe I yearn for the days when I had simple uncompromising views ?
  Sometimes a person of extreme views is just the polar opposite of another negative force. After all opposites must exist. You cant damn anyone for being at either end of the spectrum. If you hold a view, at what point would you call a halt to it if it was increased in intensity ? At what point would you shout STOP ? Is there a " stopping place " ?  How far should we lean ?

Monday, 15 June 2015

Its Happening Again

Purple Clover's photo. 
Its been a bad week online. Ive had serious trouble even getting online, then my favourite blog seems to have been deleted. In fact all this persons blogs have disappeared again. Next I find a facebook discussion group I enjoy is run by a woman with several fake accounts. These " characters " argue amongst themselves and with other members. When I pointed this out I was threatened with expulsion, so I left. Lifes to short for that shit. Its strange this summer is turning out the same as the last one, and I never saw it coming...

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Two Sides Of The Same Coin

The Golden BargeI have tonight started to read a short novel by Paulo Coelho, its called intriguingly  The Alchemist. Its a simply written book, and not a long one either. The story concerns the journey of a young boy in his quest for hidden treasure. It is obviously a metaphor for the authors torrid real life attempts at learning the secrets of Alchemy, and all the variously dubious characters that he openly admits to having been exploited by, details of which are briefly listed in the Preface section.
   Im writing this post tonight as the style of this novel reminds me very much of a book I first read a few years ago, and one that made a big impression on me; The Golden Barge by Micheal Moorcock. This story is also a short one, and its also about a young man who travels and devotes his life to following a mysterious barge along a river. Its a parable about following dreams and the outcomes of this. These two books are uncannily the same, but Im yet to see if their conclusions are the same. Time will tell. I recommend both books. They are both simple and short, but don't underestimate their messages.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

The Wire: The Blind Boys of Alabama- Way Down in the Hole

Do you know what the trouble was with this series ? It was TOO good, TOO realistic an TOO intelligent. Series 1  covered the drugs scene in Baltimore, followed by a series each devoted to the subject of corruption in the towns port, schools and political system. By the end of series 4 or were there 5 ? You had a complete picture built up about how all these parts of the city interlinked and were all corrupted and manipulated. Ive not seen a series like it since, and probably never will again. A mile stone in crime drama.

I Really Could Cry

Im sick of technology, and I think technology is sick of me. I have a history of trouble getting online, but this last month almost has me thinking that something is actively trying to stop me logging on...
  For the past month ive been limited to 10 minutes of Internet before im cut off. I rang BT and they promptly sent out an engineer who diagnosed a faulty phone wall socket. Try getting someone from a " budget " provider out to visit your house ! ( funny how they call it a discounted provider when you could only be saving 5 pounds a month ) All was well for a few days at least, then back to the same old story...
  Next I was sent a new router, a BT 4 " now even more reliable " Was there a history of the previous model being unreliable ? Dont care now as the problem has been fixed. Fantastic ? Er, no. Immediately a pop up virus exploded , just as I thought I was safe. Whats the point of a virus that only allows you to go to a " money making " website ? ! WTF . Laptop goes off the be fixed once again.
  When I collected it, I was asked if I used fb much, or looked at films people had shared ? Why of course. It was suggested that this was / is suddenly a problem. Is it ? I thought Norton Anti Virus errrrr, stopped viruses ? ! Silly me ! Where I go from here I dont know. Im getting the feeling that what once worked with no problems is no longer fit for purpose ? Im no expert, but things are getting worse. Its 50 pounds a time to clear viruses. It soon adds up unfortunately.
   Next by pure coincidence a family member caught a virus that mailed its self to all her facebook friends as a message. Luckily I havent received that f*****r today.  IS THIS THE FUTURE  WE HAVE IN STORE FROM FACEBOOK ? Its strange how nowadays everything has become a problem. I use facebook, Im not logging into some dodgy foreign porn site ! But from the tone of voice they used at the repair shop you would have thought I'd been doing something well risky ! Something just isnt right here.
   Anyway todays saga saw my Dads laptop expire. Ive been using it while mines been away. Its gone from slow to not even switching off, and its red hot ! I think the hard drive is going. See ? It NEVER ENDS !!

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Its a very strange Summer. The land is about 3 weeks behind its normal condition for the 10th of June. Leaves are not all out yet, its still cold, there are no bees or moths, and few swallows. The hills are a pale green, dirty colour such as they are in March. This is all made worse by the sunny long light evenings. The length of daylight does not match how the land looks. In fact the high up ground even appears to be going backwards in its barrenness to a look of early Spring. This Summer will be over before its begun yet.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Why I like Christians ( but they probably dont like me )

I recently left a facebook group that was devoted to the discussion of Religion and Atheism. At first it seemed quite fun. The banter was fun.I wound up Christians about how they could prove nothing. They got irate as usual and hated my mystical views.
   Suddenly something odd happened, I started arguing against Atheism ! I realised that Christians had faith, just as I had faith that there was more to the everyday world than what first appears. Such things are my blogs bread and butter. Most Atheists dont believe in magick or occult things. They are empty blind people. They believe in NOTHING. Thats not big or clever. I feel I have more in common with Christians, but sadly they would probably not agree. Truth be told they are closer to my view points then they will admit. The concept of God is a very loose one.
   The Atheists on this page were infantile, had no decent arguments, and replaced every thing with a sexual innuendo. They were obsessed with exalting there sexual views. It almost seemed like at replacement religion that they felt was " grown up and worldly ". This was a running theme. When people started posting pornographic pictures of Jesus then that was my cue to leave. What a group...

Friday, 5 June 2015

A New Water Manifestation

The last few months have seen a new water based phenomenon. A short burst of water will pour from a tap that is firmly turned off. This originally started about a year ago and was quite amusing as I blamed our farms old water supply. When on holiday the other week near Glastonbury the water in our caravan did the same thing, and it was on mains. Again the tap was turned fully off. Starting to get a bit worried now. Finally on returning to my house in the village, the tap there is now doing the same thing, and it has just had a new washer fitted. This is not coincidence...

Monday, 1 June 2015

Glastonbury Abbey Ruins

A fuller picture of the scale of this building tells us that Glastonbury was high up the spiritual ladder


You can still sense the magic and awe that this place once inspired

The fish ponds are fed from what I presume are the same springs that emerge from under The Tor

Glastonbury Abbey was destroyed by Henry 8th's Reformation in the 1500's. The unfortunate Bishop was hung from The Tor tower that overlooks the surrounding area. A very macabre end !
The Carp above were in the abbey ponds, and were more than happy to be fed bread ect..
( cant get these photo's to line up. Grrrrrr  ! )