Saturday, 27 April 2013

Childs play ?

Going through a bizzare patch as ever again this Spring watching history repeat its self as it did at this time last year . Very odd indeed . Is this a new chapter or a rehash " Ground Hog " style replay of the past ? Obsticles and plenty to be negative about are abound but also plenty to crow about too . Maybe I need my holiday . Maybe after it answering these questions will be childs play .

Bitter sweet moon

Last nights moon sat so low it was only just visible over the hills of Dent . Orange circles were formed as clouds passed over . A very bright , blazing moon full of emotion and an atmosphere of tranquillity bordering on sorrow . A low moon affects mood , a catalyst for the emotional part of us forcing to a head the problems we try to ignore and push too the back of our minds . Unpleasant and unsettling but also  giving  us the potential to achieve our goals...if we have the courage to act this sweetens the mix . Well I'm hoping so...

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Dream chasers nemisis

Chasing a dream ? Heres what Ive learnt . However your life turns out , whether you achieve your aims or goal it will once achieved be a small part of your everyday life and then the rest of your mundane existence will suddenly regain its importance again as it must . That is not to say dreams are not crucially important , because they are , but once achieved its back to the grindstone ... This is harder to live with than chasing the dream you so desperately needed in the first place .


I am currently reading a novel called Moonchild by a famous occult writer . I think its the most clever , bizarre and of a different planet type writing style Ive ever witnessed . O.K its only a novel but I sense great genius behind it and great power and humour and wry outlook . The author is the notorious Aleister Crowley no less . A name that conjours ( no pun intended ) up a great discomfort or alarm due to my upbringing . Usually strong subjects when investigated reveal none of the preconceptions we have about them and we find someone else has given us a view often unfounded and the truth we find is totally different than the stereo type we've up to then relied on to form our preconceptions . Well I'm gonna find out just who this Crowley REALLY was and what he said that got so many people hot and bothered ....

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Rough water

Yes its a Vernal infernal equinox rant ! As I probably wrote this time last year if you look all play is stopped , do not pass go , do not collect £200 mentally speaking . As last year as now again it seems . Its a given that the weather will get hotter as Spring will explode eventually into life and the sky will get bluer but if a key component is missing then then this will not be as sweet . Rightly or wrongly .

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Gi gi dagostino aka God !         Not often I put music on Golden but he is my favourite DJ for a few years and the video is interesting....

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Dark matter no less ?

Today i heard on the radio that scientists are trying to find the invisible dark matter that they think must be present in the universe . It must be present because apparently there is too much gravity being produced compared to the amount of matter we can see in space . They cant see dark matter , they dont know where its at, or how to find it, or how it works, but they know its there because of the effects it causes ie: gravity beyond expectations ...
 Mmmm this sounds familiar . Occult , mystical , religious beliefs all function on this idea but are laughed at by people, but its O.K when science takes a " leap of faith " !  Seeing the results of the hidden ; KETHER
Who knows maybe the two are directly related . Wonldnt that cause a few red faces ???

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

In my natural habitat Cornwall, roll on my holiday.....more likely to be found in a cave than sunbathing though !!! And yeah my Schott bomber jacket is my prized possesion LOL

Boom !

Im tired . Ive worked everyday since August . The wind is blasting over the dale and its freezing . The last month has left me not knowing wether im coming or going . Both on a daily and on a personal level . Soon im going to explode.....

Monday, 1 April 2013

Fill in the pieces....

Reading a short story based on true events by Dion Fortune i realised many key facts seemed to align to my personal experiences and family traits to such a point that i couldn't use the excuse of " coincidence " . It seemed as though all the facts about me were there in the story but applied to different circumstances . Rather like building a lego set into several different objects say a car , a plane and a boat , all these variations are possible and you will reckonize componants that are shared  in each one , as are the details of the story that match my life .
  Maybe there are situations which re- occur in each generation but with varying permutations through the ages . Maybe there are only so many combinations re -working themselves . Maybe in a few generations time someone will look back at me and who knows how the my personal version of situations will have evolved ? Maybe my story will be repeated in thr future but in a different lay out or order for the next user . Well someones in for a shock !!! LOL