Saturday, 24 November 2012

Women priests

Lets see more women priests or just any in fact . Women bring up our families , run our homes and keep our feet on the ground and off it sometimes ! They inspire . They will do well in religion . Its their natural position .


Yesterday the wind was in the tree tops . Ocassional bright blue flashes light up the air and i have heard it said a small earth tremour could be heard over Kendal way . This morning the Church bells are chiming away......

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Unexpected gem

" I believe in angels , something good in everything i see ... " ABBA
Too tired for a hocus pocus post but a new moon is coming so expect normal baffeling service to resume .

Friday, 9 November 2012

Back to basics

Call the sexy girl on the screen now on that big , long number !!!!!!!!!

More of the same...

Today HSBC has been exposed as laundering possibly Mexican drug money and other dodgey vices . A Conservative party member from the past has been exposed as alledgely taking kids to abuse wholesale style from a childrens home during the seventies . Again two mighty institutions exposed , shamed and humble ... again one for the common man and one smack in the face for the institutions of authority . This pattern will continue .... It now seems ofone these stories appears to be a work of fiction according to the news (today anyway ) but it fits with the flow and might yet be seen as " the truth " whatever that means nowadays ! There is no reality any more in the news . I guess there never was ...