Sunday, 29 April 2012

Too calm

Last night as i walked through Dent to my house there was the strangest atomsphere . It was so cold and the clouds were drifting across the moon . Venus was so bright . I think todays storm was brewing cos it all felt a bit still and odd . An unsettling night of changed plans . Today its stormy and wild .


" Vocation is all thats left when all the games have stopped "

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Subconscious messaging

Sexual subconscious messages in advertising ?  Yes having watching the Lynx advert " get the look that gets the girls "  notice in the closing few seconds what the sea does behind the rocks !  Ooeer missus !   I have only just noticed this effect recently after several weeks . And i bet you havent noticed either . Subconscious indeed .

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Vernal equinox 2

The Spring Equinox is in full destructive flow as confirmed by those closest to me . Its uncomfortable , unsettling . It will pass though and early summer always feels amazing and new . Things will settle down and become workable quickly again . Hold on it wont be long......

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Even im baffled !

Yes somethings coming revealing its self a little each day . Have you ever felt something coming ? Its the strangest feeling .I might even believe my own propaganda yet . Its too early too tell but just maybe its time for a miracle cos i aint giving up.......

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Wise words indeed

"  You can only get as much as you are prepared to go out and take "      Arthur Scargill  !!!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

So tired of it...

If you try to overthrow your countrys goverment you get all you deserve and cant complain . Whatever happened to the status quo ? Its was swamped with sentimental , idealistic temporary convenient ideas of  " democracy "

Resorting to type

Yes im reading The Lives and Times of J.C again . Never a good sign . So expect lots of random quotes that baffle.....

Sunday, 15 April 2012


" The cold was absolute .
His body fell away from him .
Resurrection if it came would be painful "    Jerry Cornelious - THE NATURE OF THE CATASTROPHE

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Spring Equinox/ Vernal

Oh dear its that time of year i dread . The Vernal ( or is that infernal ) equinox .  Rain stops play , leaves on the line etc . However you look at it the fun stops and a bloody hard manual slog begins or maybe i should just say **** it until June if i had any sense, but attrition is my style and i don't give in easy all though i do know when to take a back seat . Knowing the difference separates the men from the boys. Not brute force stubbornness or grunt ! If you achieve a goal but you are too exhausted to enjoy the fruits what was the point of it all my friend ? Important lessons for all parts of our lives , and something i have only realised today myself actually if you re thinking I'm sounding a little too smug again !!!